DBeaver 1.4.6 (hotfix)

Hotfix version has been released.

Changes: many general and UI fixes. Improvement of native tools execution (MySQL and Oracle), redesign of stored procedures/views/types/packages edit.
Additionally we added social networking features to the site.
A few screenshots:

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DBeaver 1.4.5 (powered by rain *)

Ahoy! This is the last release of this autumn. Waiting to be downloaded.

  • MySQL and Oracle native clients support
  • MySQL full database export/import
  • Resultset filters UI update
  • Drivers management improvements
  • SQL editor fixes and additional formatting
  • General UI and code fixes
  • Multilingual installer
  • We are tired (a little bit) making dozens of small improvements and fixes. Next time we are going to release a major version ;)

    * Empower yourself too

    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.4.3

    DBeaver 1.4.3 has been released.

    • New version checker/updater
    • Connection events (run shell command on connect/disconnect)
    • Oracle tables view/edit fixes
    • Oracle procedures, packages, views, types, triggers source code editor and compiler
    • UI internationalization and first localization beta
    • Many general UI fixes
    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.4.1 (hotfix version)

    DBeaver 1.4.1 is ready for download.


    • Oracle
      • Oracle home selection fix
      • TNS_ADMIN environment variable usage fix
      • TNS names are available for Thin driver
      • Data type resolve fix (Timestamp and BigInteger)
      • View/Materialized view search
    • MS SQL: UPDATE statement execution fix (do not use row count limit)
    • Auto complete fix for complex identifiers
    • Table/ResultSet editor fix
    • PostgreSQL: driver update
    • Driver manager fix (do not try to load redist libraries for drivers with custom libraries)
    • OS-dependent drivers
    • UI fixes
    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.4.0

    DBeaver 1.4.0 is ready for download!

    • Oracle
      • OCI driver support (special thanks to Eugene)
      • Constraints & foreign keys search
      • Timestamp & cursor datatypes support
      • Procedures, packages & views compilation support
      • Edit of stored procedures
    • Parameters/variables binding
    • Mac OS X – startup freeze fix (special thanks to Michael Fedor for assistance)
    • Eclipse plugin – test version
    • UI fixes:
      • Objects search fix
      • Inline editor of date/time values
    • Minor bugfixes

    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.3.4 (Hotfixes)

    Minor release 1.3.4 contains several hotfixes to 1.3.2:

    • Oracle XML type support (in some environments XML columns were always NULL)
    • Data export wizard (suport of data filters was added)
    • A few nasty UI bugs

    Thanks to everyone who sent us reports with these bugs!

    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.3.2 (powered by sun*)

    Yep, it’s a vacation season. And as a result we had a pause in development. But do not worry – we’re back and new DBeaver version just has been released.

    So, the changelist:

    • MySQL stored procedure editor
    • MS SQL Server native (by Microsoft) driver added
    • Terdata database driver added
    • Bug fixes

    Also we migrated to Eclipse 3.7. It contains many bugfixes in UI plugins but I’m afraid that it could contain a new bugs. Anyway, at the moment we didn’t find them.
    And we started i18n phase – as it’ll be finished we’ll start localizations.

    Have a good rest of the summer!

    * Not by the Oracle sun, but by the sun sun. Closest star, you know. It is not an advertisement ;)

    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.3.1

    This minor release contains fixes of two tiny but quite nasty bugs:
    1. Oracle 9i metadata browser fix (table/view lists reading was broken in 1.3.0)
    2. DB2 clob/blob reading (DB2 driver doesn’t support scrollable result sets if LOB columns presents in it).

    Also here are a few tips concerning DB2 driver and especially error messages:
    Read more ›

    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.3.0

    DBeaver 1.3.0 has been released!
    This version is mainly devoted to Oracle. New plugin was added to distribution. So, the changelist:

    • Oracle extension:
      • Allows to browse all Oracle-specific metadata like packages, views, sequences, procedures, tablespaces, users, roles, etc
      • Fully supports XML data type, supports Object and Collection types in read-only mode
      • Supports execution plan explain
      • Manages server sessions
    • Also:
      • Driver management was updated – now all drivers are “external”. JDBC drivers don’t ship with DBeaver anymore. But, as before, drivers will be atomatically downloaded on demand (e.g. when you make new connection). Or you may download drivers from official source and configure it in DBeaver manually.
      • MySQL driver performance improved
      • Ingres database driver
      • Linter database driver
      • Context help update (special thanks to Adam Peaslee for the verification and updates of product documentation)
      • Many UI updates
      • Bug fixes
    Posted in Releases

    DBeaver 1.2.2

    New major release – DBeaver 1.2.2.
    Main new feature – integrated context help system and first version of product documentation. Actually existing documentation in rough draft form, but we believe it is much better than nothing.
    Brief changelist:

    • Integrated help system
    • SQLite drivers configuration
    • SSO (Single Sign On) support for MS SQL (obviously it works only in Windows version)
    • Driver manager enhancements (driver categories)
    • Automatic installer for Windows 64
    • And standard feature – bugfixes

    Note about SQLite drivers. Three different drivers were added. You will need to choose the best one for you. Zentus driver is the oldest and most “standard” JDBC driver for SQLite. Xerial driver based on Zentus and provides some additional features. Driver written by Christian Werner provides more information about DB structure (keys, indexes) but it only works under Windows (it may work in other OSes but it requires SQLite native library and only Windows dll supplied with DBeaver – but you may build this library from sources by yourself, of course)

    Note about SSO. This feature allows you to connect to MS SQL Server with your local/domain windows account. Just leave user name/password blank and connect. jTDS driver uses native libraries to implement this feature so it works only in Windows version of DBeaver. Special thanks to Adam Peaslee for idea of this feature.

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