DBeaver 3.5.9

DBeaver 3.5.9 has been released.

This version contains many bugfixes and a couple of new features:
  • Color results (based on column values)
  • UI freeze during table data save was fixed
  • SSH tunnel: password prompt was fixed
  • Properties editor fixed
  • Resources (scripts, diagrams, etc) copy/paste support was added
  • SQL formatter fixed (WHEN .. THEN)
  • Resultset filter dialog was improved
  • Data import wizard was fixed
  • Identifiers (table/column names) quote was fixed
  • Metadata compare error was fixed
  • ERD loading (contents) was fixed
  • MySQL/PostgreSQL/Vertica: SELECT .. LIMIT bug was fixed
  • Oracle: table rename fixed
  • Oracle: tnsnames parser was improved
  • Teradata: default port set
  • A few minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.8

This is a minor version, a few bugfixes just in honor of the New Year.
Probably it is the last 3.5.x version, next one will be 3.6. It will include new PostgreSQL extension and a few other features.

Brief changelist:

  • SQL completion was fixed
  • Results filtering (by custom value) was fixed
  • DDL generation was added (from context menu)
  • Duplicated procedures were removed
  • Enum types support was fixed
  • Dictionary tables editor was added
  • Temporary files cleanup was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.7

Brief changelist:

  • Filter panel wa fixed (query text, ui issues)
  • Version upgrade issue fixed (NPE on startup)
  • Columns default value change fixed (quotes)
  • Context tools menu added (ALT+`)
  • Eclipse plugin: workspace save/restore warnings fixed
  • Scripts management redesigned (content preview, recent scripts)
  • Results grid control improved (tooltips, icons)
  • Generate object DDL command added
  • Duplicated procedures/functions fixed
  • MySQL: new database charset/collation options was added
  • SQLite: foreign keys resolution was fixed
  • SQLite: BLOB/CLOB editor fixed
  • MongoDB: connection security issue fixed
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.6

DBeaver 3.5.6 has been released:

  • Foreign key edit in value view panel
  • Editor refresh (f5) was fixed
  • Driver editor UI improved
  • Standard SQL keywords added
  • MySQL: events support was added
  • MySQL: indexes metadata was improved
  • PostgreSQL: OID and HSTORE columns handle was fixed
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.5

DBeaver 3.5.5 has been released.

  • Grid control was redesigned (filters, navigation, inline editors)
  • Triggers support was added for PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Sybase, Firebird, Informix
  • Processing of SQL blocks (begin/end) was fixed
  • Save of metadata changes was fixed
  • SQL editor connection selector was fixed
  • Data search (full-text) was fixed
  • Invalidate (reconnect) behavior was fixed
  • Persistent query filters history (EE version)


  • Metadata editor (views, tables, etc) refresh was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: text (clob) columns handle fixed
  • MySQL: “enum” and “set” data types support fixed
  • MySQL: partitions information reading was fixed
  • Firebird: views and procedures source code generation was fixed
  • Oracle: use DBA_* views when possible
  • Oracle: read new ROWID for inserted rows
  • Sybase: views, procedures and triggers source code
  • SQL Server/Sybase: hyperlinks detection fixed
  • UI freeze was fixed (metadata changes save)
  • Some standard Icons was changed
  • Minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.4

Dbeaver 3.5.4 has been released. It is a kind of hotfix version.
Brief changelist:

  • New objects creation was fixed
  • Foreign key navigation (back/forward) was fixed
  • Paste in property editor (inline) was fixed
  • MySQL: connection dialog fixed
  • DB2: MQT indexes support was added
  • PostgreSQL: date time support was fixed
  • Firebird: procedures/views DDL was fixed
  • Oracle: block statements (begin .. end) execute was fixed
  • CLOB/text columns edit was fixed
  • Query manager: queries now formatted with parameter values
  • RPM package fixed (Fedora 20+ format)
  • Editors UI was improved (icons)
  • Keyboard shortcuts fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.3

Brief changelist:

  • Drivers download UI was fixed.
  • Linux: RPM installer has been added, DEB installer has been fixed (version update).
  • Macos: DMG archive has been added.
  • Windows: installer has been fixed (version update).
  • PostgreSQL: inline editor fixed. Custom SQL queries results are now editable. Native data types loading was fixed.
  • Oracle: metadata reading performance was improved. IOT support added.
  • Oracle structures edit support fixed. XML edit support fixed.
  • Data export: column name quoting added for SQL INSERTS format.
  • Query manager UI improved (SQL formatting).
  • Properties view was fixed.
  • Floating-point numbers default format was changed.
  • Metadata read/edit: a few minor fixes.
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.5.2

DBeaver 3.5.2 has been released.

Warning: if you upgraded from 3.5.1 and you see IOException error during driver dependencies resolution then you need to fix the driver. Go to driver editor (click on “Edit Driver” on download page), press “Reset to defaults” button, press Ok and restart DBeaver.


  • Drivers download UI was fixed
  • Checkbox editor UI was fixed (MacOS)
  • JDBC drivers (Maven artifacts) dependencies resolution added
  • Windows installer was fixed (libraries unpacking error)
  • Data export: JSON format support was added
  • Solaris (x86) version is back in business
  • Table/columns alter fixed (column NULL/NOT NULL and DEFAULT modifiers)
  • SQL editor: hyperlinks resolution was fixed
  • SQL editor: active query extraction was fixed (multiline comments support)
  • SQL scripts creation (in a folder) was fixed
  • Redundant SQL scripts cleanup was added
  • MySQL comments handling was fixed (escaping)
  • MS Access (UCanAccess) driver updated
  • Firebird driver updated
  • Apache Hive driver was added
  • Apache Drill driver was added
  • Drivers icons added
  • Program icon fixed (Linux)
  • DBeaver sources moved to GitHub
Posted in Releases

DBeaver on GitHub


Good news for developers and DBeaver community. Those who just need recent DBeaver version please ignore it and proceed to download.

Finally DBeaver has moved to GitHub.
In the nearest future I’ll describe build procedure and write some other docs which will let to work with DBeaver sources easier.
I didn’t yet decide how to manage bug reports and feature requests better.
For now you can use our good old forum or (better) create issues in GitHub issue tracker. Eventually I’m planning to move all bug reports to GitHub or some other tracker.
If you have any suggestions/ideas – please write me.
PS Please star the dbeaver repository! ;)

Posted in Articles, News

DBeaver 3.5.1

Brief changelist:

  • Table columns rename feature added (MySQL, DB2, Oracle)
  • Possibility to create embedded database added (Derby, H2)
  • Templates assistant feature added (Shift+Tab)
  • Launcher icons fixed
  • MS Access driver updated
  • Informix driver updated
  • Multiple config fixes support fixes
  • Export of MySQL routines added
  • Multiple resultsets support added to DB2
  • Decimal columns handling fixed
  • Stored procedures/packages loading fixed (UI freeze fixed)
  • Maven artifact version resolve fixed (exclude alpha/beta versions)
  • DBeaver now depends on Java 1.7
  • A few UI fixes

Note: if you upgraded from a previous version and DBeaver doesn’t start: try to run it with command line parameter “-clean” (“dbeaver -clean”)

Posted in Releases