DBeaver 3.6.9

Generally it is a hotfix version but also it contains a few new features:

  • SQL completion fixed
  • Tables data export fixed
  • Grid control UI fixed
  • Arrays edit support added
  • Misc minor UI fixes
  • MySQL: index creation fixed
  • MySQL: extra keywords support
  • PostgreSQL: functions rename/delete fixed
  • PostgreSQL: functions, tables comments read/write
  • PostgreSQL: CHECK constraints
  • Cache: streams reading
  • Redis: keys navigation improved
  • Redis: commands execution in SQL editor
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.8

This is a major version: a lot of resource management improvements were done and a lot of good news for Eclipse plugin users.
EE version was also extended with extra Eclipse plugins.

Brief changelist:

  • External projects/external SQL files are now managable
  • OS shell integration was added
  • Resource management was improved
  • SQL preview in data editor
  • Oracle: TNS names usage was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: SQL completion was fixes
  • PostgreSQL: schema and tables rename support was added
  • MySQL: functions source code read was fixed
  • MySQL: binaries dump in hex support was added
  • Cassandra: timestamp representation is now configurable
  • Teradata: tables, views, procedure DDL
  • SQL editor tabs can be pinned
  • SQL editor “link with navigator” command was improved
  • SQL completion now uses fuzzy search
  • ERD uses table filters
  • Binaries presentation was fixed
  • A lot of bug fixes and UI improvements
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.7

Dbeaver 3.6.7 has been released:

  • PostgreSQL: function-based indexes support
  • PostgreSQL: columns search added
  • PostgreSQL: triggers source viewer fixed
  • PostgreSQL: foreign key creation fixed (delete/update rules)
  • MySQL: database dump fixed (command line parameters)
  • MySQL: stored procedures editor fixed
  • DB2: unisuq key creation fix
  • ODBC driver fixed (Java 8 for Windows)
  • Redis: pre-alpha version of Redis extension in EE version (only for testing)
  • Table unique key search fixed (do not use nullable columns)
  • Connection properties dialog was fixed
  • ResultSet context menu redesigned
  • SQL editor context menu redesigned
  • CSV exporter fixed (values escape)
  • Project create fixed
  • Binary column encoding was fixed (hex format)
  • Sound notifications support added
  • Database navigator refresh error handler added
  • Many minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.6

DBeaver 3.6.6 has been released.
Brief changelist:

  • Column transformers (view numbers in a specified radix, view milliseconds as dates, etc)
  • MongoDB: editor was fixed
  • MongoDB: document renderer (JSON) was improved
  • PostgreSQL: minor metadata fixes
  • MySQL: database export was fixed
  • Apache Phoenix driver was added
  • SQL editor fixes
  • Ignore broken JDBC drivers (MySQL, MariaDB)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.5

DBeaver 3.6.5 has been released.
It is a hotfix version, specifically for PostgreSQL users.
Version 3.6.4 has a critical bug which may lead to incorrect table data update because of incorrect primary key detection.

  • PostgreSQL: table data update fix (CRITICAL)
  • PostgreSQL: metadata read fix
  • MySQL: database export fix
  • Oracle: custom PLAN table creation
  • Windows installer now shipped with JRE 1.8
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.4

Brief changelist:

  • MySQL: database export wizard improved (+ DEFINER remove feature)
  • Oracle: metadata read performance improved
  • PostgreSQL: metadata read fixed for version before 9.x
  • PostgreSQL: temp/toast schemas access added
  • MongoDB: document update/delete fixed
  • SQLite: datetime columns read/update fixed
  • GemfireXD: driver updated
  • SQL keywords were updated
  • Misc UI bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.3

DBeaver 3.6.3 has been released.
Brief changelist:

  • MySQL: support of DELIMITER command
  • PostgreSQL: metadata reading fixed
  • Cassandra: functions and aggregates support added; date/time and UDT bindings fixed
  • Connections keep-alive support
  • Keywords case auto-convert
  • Source code paste conversion
  • SQL formatter: fixes and improvements
  • SQL formatter: external formatter support
  • SQL preferences redesigned
  • Many minor fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.2

Version 3.6.2 has been released.
Main feature: SSL support for MySQL and PostgreSQL. Please report about any issues with SSL.

  • Cassandra 3.x support was added. New data types, metadata browser.
  • MongoDB 3.x authentication support was added.
  • PostgreSQL: SSL support, foreign tables support, database switch, metadata managers improved.
  • MySQL: SSL support was added.
  • Oracle: table DDL generator improved.
  • Many minor UI fixes and improvements.
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6.1

DBeaver 3.6.1 has been released.
This is a hotfix version. It contains a few new features and a set of urgent bugfixes of previous major version (3.6.).

  • PostgreSQL: multi-database support was fixed.
  • PostgreSQL: Older (<8.4) versions support was fixed.
  • PostgreSQL: Cross-schema foreign keys support.
  • Cassandra: date/time types handler fixed.
  • MySQL: privileges editor was fixed, collations sorting was added.
  • Taradata: URL template was fixed.
  • SQL editor has been improved. A big number of new configuration options was added.
  • SQL keywords/functions list was fixed/updated
  • Content assistant was fixed (show only available schemas).
  • Support of named tabs for SQL queries was added.
  • Foreign keys navigation shortcuts were added.
  • Local results ordering was fixed.
  • Preference pages were reorganized.
  • Driver force download option was added.
  • BLOB caching feature was added.
  • Many minor UI fixes and improvements.
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 3.6

DBeaver 3.6 has been released (finally!).
Main new feature – PostgreSQL extension. It supports many PostgreSQL specific features but, honestly, it doesn’t cover 100% of functionality. Maybe 70%.
This extension will be improved in further versions.
Brief changelist:

  • PostgreSQL: new extension was added (metadata editor, data types, sessions, inheritance, support of arrays, structures, enums, uuids, hstore, etc).
  • Cassandra: driver was updated to 3.0
  • DB2: nicknames, temp tables, execution plan
  • Amazon Redshift driver was added
  • SQL generation was fixed
  • Stored procedures/views save was fixed
  • SQL editor statement highlighting was redesigned
  • Data transfer fixes (binary data export)
  • Property viewer was fixed
  • UI freezes during save were fixed
  • A lot of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases