DBeaver 4.3.2

  • UI language selector was added in preferences
  • Active schema selector UI was enhanced (filter)
  • Foreign/ref key navigation icon render was fixed
  • String cell value can be opened in a separate text editor
  • Plaintext rendering was enhanced (NULL values, delimiters)
  • Data export: export of selected columns/rows is now supported
  • SQL editor: support backslash escape in SQL strings/quoted identifiers
  • DB2: connection properties dialog was fixed (settings load)
  • SQL Server: Windows authentication option was added
  • Sybase/SQL Server: schema list read/filter was fixed
  • Sybase/SAP ASE: native jConnect driver configuration was added
  • MySQL/MariaDB: big query results fetching was fixed (for complex custom SQL)
  • PostgreSQL: procedure creation was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: role create/drop actions
  • PostgreSQL: permission management UI was added
  • PostgreSQL: table DDL generation was fixed (column comments)
  • Redis: connection properties dialog was fixed (settings load)
  • Extra CLI options for MySQL/PostgreSQL native export/import wizards
  • French localization was added (thanks to madcollector)
  • Chinese localization was updated
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.3.1


  • Merry Christmas!
  • New custom DBeaver icon set was added.
  • 32×32 icons for HighDPI monitors
  • Entity editor UI was improved (properties panel)
  • Stored procedures execute console
  • Referencing tables navigation fix
  • Unique key create dialog was fixed
  • Quick filter for procedures
  • Object delete dialog was improved (CASCADE delete support)
  • Main menu localization was fixed
  • SQL Server/Sybase: schema list read was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: child tables navigation was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: money data type support
  • PostgreSQL: table DDL generate fix
  • Oracle: table DDL generate fix
  • Oracle: queues metadata (read-only)
  • Firebird: separate drivers for 2.x and 3.x
  • HANA: views/procedures DDL extraction
  • Generic: show all table triggers in catalog/schema
  • Main window title rendering was fixed (confiruable)
  • Minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.3

DBeaver 4.3 has been released. It is a major release which supposed to be more stable than all 4.2.x minor releases.
One of the main differences is enabled localizations (Chinese, Russian, German). Thanks to contributors (special thanks to Liu Yuanyuan)!
Brief changelist:

  • UI localizations (Chinese, Russian, German) were added back
  • Database navigator: new objects (tables, views, columns) create was fixed
  • SQL Editor: active query extraction/parse was fixed
  • SQL Editor: proposals auto-activation was fixed
  • SQL Editor: compact SQL formatter was added
  • Results viewer: data types coloring support was added
  • Results viewer: cell value editor
  • Results viewer: dictionary edit dialog was fixed (custom criteria)
  • Driver manager dialog was improved (driver copy, sorting)
  • Main toolbar was slightly redesigned
  • Support environment variables in connection properties
  • Navicat connections configuration import was added
  • Some icons were updated (application, SQL editor)
  • Find/replace dialog was added in text edit fields (from context menu)
  • PostgreSQL: basic partitions and inheritance support in database navigator
  • PostgreSQL: view edit/create was fixed
  • Vertica: 7.x-9.x driver configuration
  • Neo4j driver configuration was added
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.2.6


  • Results view: referencing tables view (ctrl+1)
  • Results view: plain text presentation configuration
  • Results view: column ordering shortcut (ctrl+0)
  • Results view: boolean value editor was fixed (MacOS)
  • Results view: editor activation fix (caps lock handle)
  • SQL editor: auto-complete was fixed
  • SQL editor: query extraction was fixed (parameters position)
  • SQL formatter fix
  • MacOS installer with bundled JRE
  • Active schema switcher command (ctrl+shift+a)
  • Navigator: connections color render was fixed
  • SQL query row count function was fixed (SQL transformation)
  • Older Eclipse version support was fixed (API invocations)
  • Vertica: new metadata browser (projections, nodes, sequences, procedures source)
  • PostgreSQL: constraints DDL reading was fixed, access methods model was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: database restore command line parameters fixed
  • PostgreSQL: array value render eas fixed
  • PostgreSQL: data export fixed (multi-row format)
  • Oracle: show expressions for function-based indexes
  • Oracle: DATE data type render was fixed
  • DB2: DECIMAL parameters binding was fixed
  • SQL Server: sequences viewer was added
  • SQL Server: fix autocompletion for table with @ and # characters
  • Apache Solr driver was added
  • Internationalization and localization (Chinese) were enhanced.
  • Misc UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.2.5


  • Connection/schema selectors UI was improved
  • Shortcuts for connection schema select (CTRL+9, CTRL+0)
  • SQL error handle was fixed (error type detection, reconnect activation)
  • SELECT COUNT(*) transformer was fixed
  • SQL completion: multiple bug fixes
  • SQL editor: single line comment toggle was fixed
  • SQL editor: script execution UI config (editor pane maximize is now configurable)
  • SQL editor: support association with connections from another project
  • Database editor: auto-save doesn’t affect data editors
  • Results viewer: varchar to binary column view transformer
  • Results viewer: status label was fixed
  • Results viewer: timestamp value editor was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: view DDL was fixed (for alter view)
  • MySQL/MariaDB: quoted schema name handle fixed
  • Oracle: DATE data type support was fixed
  • Oracle: execution plan for queries with parameters
  • Oracle: sessions SQL read was improved
  • SQL Server: native timestamp format fixed
  • Data search: UI was fixed (performance)
  • MetaData search: UI was fixed (tree structure)
  • ER diagrams: datasource info in project explorer
  • SSH tunnel config enhanced (local port number)
  • i18n model enhancement
  • Chinese localization
  • Hex editor UI was fixed (hex panel stretching, preferences)
  • Keyboard shortcuts were fixed (conflicts with other Eclipse solutions)
  • Cloudera Impala driver config was added
  • CUBRID driver config was added
  • Office and SVG extensions moved to separate update sites (marketplace)
  • Misc UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.2.4

Brief changelist:

  • Results editor: zoom in/zoom out support
  • Stored procedures results visualization fix
  • Active database/schema switcher was fixed
  • Bootstrap queries processing was fixed (prepared statement)
  • Command line parameters processing was fixed
  • Views/triggers create/edit was fixed
  • Metadata compare: compare views source
  • Running queries in background: UI freeze fix
  • Results viewer: columns width configuration
  • Installers icons/splash screen were updated
  • Chinese localization additions (-nl zh)
  • Connection invalidate command was fixed
  • SQL generation was improved (FQ names config for DDL)
  • Oracle: PL/SQL blocks parser was fixed
  • Oracle: FLOAT (NUMBER) data type edit was fixed
  • MySQL: extra options in database dump wizard
  • MySQL: database charset/collation edit
  • DB2: show aliases in SQL auto-completion
  • PostgreSQL: permissions panel was redesigned
  • SQLite: data types properties
  • Misc UI fixes

Note: we have re-registered all certificates to the Rider Soft LTD company. Windows executables are signed with the Symantec Code-Sign certificate. Windows 10 may warn about this certificate during one or two weeks – that’s ok.

Posted in Releases

Beaver on PG Conf.EU.2017

Hey! This week DBeaver participates in PostgreSQL EU conference in Warsaw (October 24-27).
Besides PG Conf itself we will be on PG Graphical Tools special meetings.
We (Serge Rider and Andrew Khitrin) will be happy to talk with everyone from the community or anyone who is interested in cooperation, who like open source or just want to talk about databases. And not just about PostgreSQL.
If you see us – feel free to contact.
Posted in Articles, News

DBeaver 4.2.3


  • Java 9 support was fixed
  • SQL Editor: connection/schema selectors redesign
  • SQL Editor: divider position save
  • SQL Editor: BOM for external SQL files support was added
  • SQL Editor: queries folding was fixed
  • SQL error chain evaluation was fixed
  • SQL autocomplete for quoted and/or national identifiers was fixed
  • Results viewer: cursor reposition on refresh/mode change was fixed
  • Results viewer: reset all colorings action was added
  • Results viewer: reflect data changes in transaction monitor
  • Results viewer: right-aligned cells (numbers/dates) rendering was fixed
  • Results viewer: columns drag-n-drop was redesigned (now activated on column icon dragging)
  • Results viewer: multi-cell paste support was added
  • SQL Editor/results viewer: SELECT COUNT query transformation was fixed (omit order)
  • Dark theme support was improved
  • Support of null scale/precision for numeric data types was added
  • SQL generator: IS NULL/IS NOT NULL support was added
  • SQL generator: omit schema name feature (configurable)
  • Object editor: changes save procedure was fixed (+UI fix)
  • Office (XLSX) export: numeric/boolean cells formatting was fixed
  • Global schema/tables filters were fixed (MySQL/PostgreSQL)
  • Connections copy/paste was fixed
  • MySQL/MariaDB tables read was fixed (quoted identifiers)
  • Vertica: JDBC URL was fixed (database is optional)
  • Vertica: current schema detection/update
  • PostgreSQL: advanced data types (postgis, json, etc) resolution fix
  • PostgreSQL: procedures fully qualified names fix
  • DB2: primary key drop/edit fix
  • Oracle: synonyms read was fixed
  • Oracle: primary key drop/edit fix
  • SQL Server: GO delimiters evaluation was fixed
  • Minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.2.2


  • Eclipse Oxygen (E4.7) is now default base platform. A lot of minor improvements/fixes comes along with it
  • Chinese, Russian, German localizations are back in beta test
  • Results viewer: UUID value transformer (from binary) was added
  • Results viewer: multi-cell paste support was added
  • Results viewer: aggregate functions for char/varchar columns
  • Results viewer: filter editor dialog UI was fixed
  • Connection invalidate timeout was added
  • Workspace preference page was added in standalone version
  • Database navigator refresh performance was fixed
  • Extra command line parameters support (-closeTabs, -disconnectAll)
  • SQL Editor: delimiters parser was fixed ($$ delimiters)
  • SQL Editor: unsafe queries (DELETE/UPDATE without WHERE) warning was added
  • SQL Editor: server-side ouput reading was redesigned (output for scripts was fixed)
  • SQL Editor: SQL completion preference page was fixed (global search)
  • SQL Editor: SQL completion for unicode identifiers was fixed
  • SQL Editor: parameters binding (NULL value) was fixed
  • SQL Editor: status message update was fixed
  • ER diagrams: column comments now can be enabled on diagram
  • ER diagrams: dark theme support was fixed (css)
  • Object filters was fixed (asterisk in schema names)
  • Oracle: zero scale for numeric data types
  • Oracle: REF CURSOR read was fixed (in value view dialog)
  • PostgreSQL: big table data export was fixed (memory consumption)
  • PostgreSQL: table indexes DDL was fixed (read from server)
  • PostgreSQL: sequences were excluded from table list
  • PostgreSQL: NULL array elements reading was fixed
  • Firebird: column charsets, binary columns support was added
  • PrestoDB driver config was added
  • UI freeze on transactions isolation level detect was fixed
  • Minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.2.1


  • SQL editor: FK navigation was improved (open reference in new tab)
  • SQL editor: code folding was added
  • SQL editor: morph delimited text feature
  • SQL editor: SQL formatting was fixed (Oracle)
  • SQL editor: autocompletion was fixed (databases without schemas)
  • ERD: diagram rendering/nodes selection was fixed
  • ERD: export to SVG format was fixed
  • XML editor: code folding was added
  • Results viewer: CLOB reading was improved
  • Results viewer: connection name in status bar (optional)
  • Results viewer: copy column names action was fixed
  • Results viewer: complex types (structs, arrays, objects) rendering is now configurable
  • Data edit: big decimal values binding was fixed
  • Metadata editor: remember editor tab sizes
  • Database navigator: double-click behavior is now configurable (expand by default)
  • Database navigator: column data types are visible in tree (optional)
  • Bootstrap queries can use local variables
  • Connections config file loading was fixed (make force refresh)
  • Error handling: extract SQL error chain on client-side
  • MySQL: DDL read was fixed (non-English identifiers/comments)
  • MySQL: default driver version was changed to 5.1.44
  • PostgreSQL: database create/drop support was added
  • PostgreSQL: LIMIT/OFFSET support (for big tables export)
  • PostgreSQL: default generic driver version was changed to 9.4.1212
  • PostgreSQL: block statements processing was fixed
  • FireBird: domain types support (read-only)
  • SQLite: full table DDL (with indexes) support
  • Hive: query limits config was changed
  • Number of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases