DBeaver 1.6.1

DBeaver 1.6.1 has been released.
This version contains a few important bugfixes:

  • Toolbar actions fixes (ERD, SQL editor, etc)
  • Search dialog fix
  • Object filters fix (NPE)
  • Numeric data types (Oracle) handle fix
  • Read-only connections fix (all new connections were read-only by default)

and a few minor UI fixes.

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DBeaver 1.6

Finally here we are – open source version of DBeaver is ready.
We released under GPL license. As DBeaver is not a library but UI client there are no limitations for end-users. You may freely use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Brief changelist:

  • Chinese, Russian and Italian translations
  • Metadata tree filters
  • ResultSet editor improvements. Support of copy/paste for cells.
  • BLOB editor fix (save)
  • Oracle cursors viewer
  • Read-only connections support
  • HTTP proxy authentication support
  • SSH support for external (native) utilities
  • Line numbers ruler configuration
  • Fixed handling of dynamic SQL parameters
  • A lot of minor UI fixes and improvements

From this point we’ll increase team and start distributed development. So, I hope, it will let us to implement new mega features much faster :)

Notes about source code:

At the moment we are migrating from SVN to GIT version control system. I believe that SVN is not good enough for distributed development of open-source products.
So, for a while sources can be downloaded only as archive. You can find it at download page.

Special thanks to:

  • Eugene Fradkin (i18n and Russian localization)
  • Brook.Tran (Chinese localization)
  • Roberto Rossi (Italian localization)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.5.6

Our final 1.5.x version has been released.
It contains just a few fixes:

  • SSH tunnels settings fix
  • External tools fix (support of SSH tunnels)
  • ERD color schema fix
  • Hyperlinks fix

Next version (1.6) will be released in June and it will be open-source.
Now we are doing various boring things – project infrastructure, licensing, etc.

Posted in Releases

Opening The Sources

Yep, at last DBeaver is going to become an open source product. We belive free and open source is much better than just free.
It means that our SVN repositoy will be opened for checkout by anyone. For sure commits will be allowed only for commiters (team members).
Another still open question is license. At the moment I think it will be GPL. I believe it is a good license for end-user oriented GUI product, practically it won’t add any restrictions for users.

So.. We are looking for team members. If you want to participate in product development (anyhow) or want to become a commiter – please write me at serge@jkiss.org.
Actually there are a lot of questions to discuss about the product future.

We are going to open the sources in the begining of June, so there is one month to prepare to this event.

Thanks to everyone who uses DBeaver. And thanks a lot to guys who writes feedbacks and sends bugreports.

Posted in Articles

DBeaver 1.5.5

1.5.5 is ready for download.
It is minor release which contains a few bugfixes:
– MySQL problem when no default database is set
– Oracle performance problems
– Minor UI fixes (hyperlinks rendering)

Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.5.4

Spring version of DBeaver 1.5.4 has been released.
It is not a major version with a lot of new features – just time has come to release something new. So, this version contains many minor (or not so) bigfixes plus:

  • Support of SSH tunnels
  • Table column descriptions

Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.5.2

Version 1.5.2 has been released. This version contains just a few fixes of major bugs reported by users since last release.

  • Additional Auto-completion configuration
  • Date/Time format fixed in table export
  • ResultSet filter dialog redesign
  • ResultSet cell editor fixes
  • Oracle schema loading fix
  • A few minor UI fixes

Thanks a lot for everyone who wrote us feedbacks!

Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.5.1

Hotfix version 1.5.1 has been released!

  • Content assistant configuration added in Preferences
  • Metadata editor fixes (database/table creation)
  • Table data editor fix (problems with auto-generated keys in MS SQL)
  • Error messages and localization fixes
  • Performance optimization
  • Main menu was updated (SQL editor related menus were moved)
  • Minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.5.0

Major version 1.5.0 has been released.


  • WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) browser
  • Redesign of architecture to support non-relational databases
  • ERD plugin improvements
  • Oracle plugin additions and performance fixes
  • A lot of bug fixes

Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.4.7

This version contains just a few hotfixes:

  • Oracle OCI driver loading fix
  • Oracle login roles (SYSDBA, etc) fix

And one new feature – new it is possible to link any external folder to DBeaver project. For example link user SQL scripts laying in some version control system.

This is the last release in 2011. New major version (1.5) will be released in early 2012.

Merry XMAS!

Update: due to a critical bug in 1.4.7 it was rebuilt at 28.12. We are sorry…

Posted in Releases