DBeaver 2.0.5

DBeaver 2.0.5 has been released.
Brief changelist:

  • Tray icon support (long-running tasks finish notification)
  • Support of table column default values
  • UI freeze on multiple queries fixed
  • Table columns autocomplete improved
  • Undo/redo manager fixed
  • Oracle metadata editors fixed
  • MySQL enum/set types support fix
  • MySQL user management fixed
  • Many minor bug fixes
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DBeaver 2.0.4

DBeaver 2.0.4. has been released.

Brief changelist:

  • Connection types (dev, test, prod) support added. Note that now global auto-commit parameter moved to connection type specific settings. Also you may define your own connection types (see preferences).
  • Oracle CREATE/DROP schema actions fixed
  • Vertica database driver added + Vertica SQL autocomplete fixed
  • Plugin mode fixes (perspective icon, branding, etc)
  • UI fixes (database selector, copy/paste in dialogs)
  • Misc bugfixes
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Cassandra driver

Latest DBeaver version contains driver for Apache Cassandra.
Currently it is accessible with Generic driver and JKISS Cassandra JDBC driver.
Apache Cassandra
Although Cassandra is not relational database some concepts are similar to regualr databases – metadata browser makes sense and CQL queries are just like SQL.
Main difference is that Cassandra’s column families are not relational tables and doesn’t have particular set of columns. Generally each row may have its own set of columns and it makes standard resultset viewer almost useless. However you may execute simple CQL and browse column families with strict structure.
We are going to add non-relational data viewer features in future versions of DBeaver (it’ planned for Cassandra, Mongo, Berkley and probably for hierachical dbs like IMS).
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DBeaver 2.0.3

DBeaver 2.0.3 (minor hotfix version) has been released. Changelist:

  • Support of DDL generation for generic drivers
  • MySQL active DB selection fix
  • Informix autocomplete fix
  • MSSQL formatting fix
  • Project explorer columns configuration
  • Localization fixes
  • Plugin version minor UI fixes

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DBeaver 2.0

DBeaver 2.0 Final Release version is ready.
Brief changelist:

  • Eclipse plugin version
  • SQL templates (snippets) support
  • Database compare feature
  • Data editor improvements
  • Hex editor for strings
  • XML data export
  • SQL log persistence
  • Project explorer UI improvement
  • Apache Cassandra driver
  • Misc fixes in generic JDBC/ODBC support
  • A lot of UI fixes

Notes: If you migrating from DBeaver 1.x then it is possible that views layout will be corrupted (extra gray spaces, corrupted toolbar, etc). In this case go to Preferences (main menu File->Preferences->Interface->Appearance) and change the theme (e.g. on Classic).

Thanks to everyone who helped us to make DBeaver better, who sent feedbacks and bugreports.
Special thanks to Eugene for localizations support.

Have fun!

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DBeaver 2 RC

Here is a DBeaver 2.0 release candiadate version. Well, what we have..

  • Templates (snippets) support. It is a draft version so some things may work not like expected. But generally templates are just great.
    To use this feature you may open new view “Templates” and just lick on template name or drag-and-drop it on editor. But the most powerfull thing is template shortcuts. Type template name (e.g. “scount”) and press TAB – template will be inserted at the cursor and you may choose variable values (like table name). And of course you may create your own templates.
    BTW – if you have any SQL snippets that you think may be usefull for all please send them to us and we will include them in standard configuration.
  • Database compare feature. In fact not only databases but any database objects may be compared. Just select them in navigator and choose “Compare” from context menu.
    Compare results are saved in HTML report file. It is first beta version of compare feature, please send your improvement suggestions.
  • Hex editor for strings. It is available in value (cell) edit dialog. String-to-binary convesion encoding may be configured in preferences.
  • A lot of bugfixes (most of them related to E4 migration). Now we are very close to stable version. Just a little bit more testing.

It looks like Eclipse plugin version is not very popular at the moment, however I know that some people were very interested in it. Please send any feedbacks, I can’t test all plugin issues as good as in standalone version (because I use standalone version all the time) and the only hope to make it stable and good is user feedbacks and bugreports.

Apparently next version will be 2.0 final release. I hope to make it in November, not too long waiting.

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DBeaver 2.0 Beta

Yep, it is ready. DBeaver 2.0.0.beta is ready for download.
For a while (until stable release) version 1.6.4 will be the default version for download. However 2.0 if fully functional and has several advantages.
Version 2.0 is compatible with Eclipse Juno (Eclipse 4) framework. Current standalone DBeaver version built and tested with Eclipse 4.2.1.

At last Eclipse Plugin version is available. Hooray. Plugin version may be run in Eclipse 3.7 or later (was tested with 3.7.x and 4.2.x).
Download links, release notes and instructions:
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DBeaver 1.6.4

New stable release 1.6.4 is ready.

  • SQL editor comments toggle support
  • Autocomplete, SQL hyperlinks and objects search refactored:
    • Object lookup speed significantly increased;
    • Case-sensitive (quoted) object names lookup support
    • Tables are shown prior to schemas;
  • Support of HTML format for tables/data export
  • SQL editor fixes (correct extraction of current query)
  • SQL scripts creation fix
  • Metadata editors UI and undo/redo fixes
  • Quick data filters fixed (enable filters menu for empty result set + numbers formatting fix)
  • Metadata property names localization
  • Minor UI fixes

Probably it is the last 1.x version. Next release will be 2.0 beta.
And thank you for your bugreports and feature requests!

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DBeaver 1.6.3

DBeaver 1.6.3 has been released. It is stable version with quite many improvements and fixes:

  • Support of data edit for tables without unique key
  • Support of custom descriptions for dictionary tables
  • Quick filter of ResultSets
  • ResultSet controls improved
  • Transactions management improved
  • Columns width fixed in ResultSet grid
  • Support of nanoseconds for TIMESTAMP data types
  • Oracle connection settings improved (SID/Service Name)
  • Oracle metadata load fix
  • Oracle DATE type handle fix
  • MSSQL active database selection fix
  • SQL formatter improvements
  • Many bugfixes and minor UI improvements

Now we are working upon new major version (DBeaver 2.0) based on Eclipse Juno framework.
But probably there will be a couple of intermediate versions before major release.
Have fun!

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DBeaver 1.6.2

1.6.2 is a minor version which contains a few bugfixes and improvements:

  • New connection wizard fix (test connection button)
  • Parameter binding dialog improvement
  • Misc UI fixes
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