DBeaver 4.3.5

  • Full UI localization (Chinese, Russian, German, French)
  • Mock data generator: additional generators and bug fixes
  • Changes for SQL Editor:
    • JOIN table/condition auto-complete
    • SQL Editor: UI for results/editor/panels switching was fixed
    • “open editor” and “switch panels” shortcuts were changed
    • warning on the “Execute in separate tabs” command for big scripts was added
    • “extract SQL from source code” command was fixed
  • Changes for Result viewer:
    • icon visibility options were added
    • rendering of floating point numbers was fixed (fraction digits are shown according to column scale)
    • JSON/XML panel editor was fixed (dirty mark on text selection)
  • Driver editor dialog was fixed (custom jars for Maven-enabled drivers)
  • Changes for MacOS X installer (pkg):
    • support of CE and EE versions on the same machine
    • allows to install DBeaver extensions
  • Changes for PostgreSQL:
    • Postgis support was added
    • HStore support was fixed (in string form)
    • UI for permission management was fixed
    • table DDL (costraints) was fixed (constraint name)
  • Changes for MySQL:
    • support of geometry (GIS) types was added
    • session manager view was improved
    • triggers DDL was fixed: trigger creation now omits database name
  • Changes for Impala:
    • driver configuration was fixed
    • SQL dialect/syntax highlighting was fixed
  • Many minor UI fixes (edited)
Posted in Releases