- SQL Editor:
- Aliases proposals for tables with joins were improved
- SQL console can now be saved as a script
- Enhanced smart completion is enabled (configurable)
- Issue with big string contents (json, xml) edit was resolved
- JSON formatting in the separate editor was fixed
- Ctrl+Alt+6 shortcut was changed to Ctrl+Alt+T
- JSON functions keywords were added to the SQL Assist
- Representation of errors on query execution was fixed
- ER Diagrams: issue with duplicate relations on the diagram was fixed
- Data Editor:
- Big content representation end editing was limited to 1MB (configurable)
- User can now add a shortcut for setting row color
- Issue with hiding the wrong column from the context menu was resolved
- Grouping panel now shows actual executed SQL
- Decimal rounding error was fixed
- General UI:
- When exporting a project, a warning about replacing an existing project was added (thanks to @MontejoJorge)
- Scroll bars were added on the connection page, and other wizards
- Issue with broken quotes in localization files was resolved
- Connectivity:
- Driver download UI was improved: already downloaded driver files are colored in grey
- JDBC drivers maven artifacts resolve was fixed
- The “Propagate driver properties” option was added to the driver settings
- New drivers:
- JDBCX driver was added (thanks to @zhicwu)
- Databases:
- Clickhouse: IPv4 data representation was fixed
- Greenplum: External tables representation was fixe
- MySQL: Unsupported engine types are replaced with the default one
- Oceanbase:
- Views editor was supported
- Routines and procedure parameters read was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- Foreign tables folder was added
- Enum data types reading performance was enhanced
- Redshift: Backup/Restore tools were deprecated and removed from UI
- Snowflake:
- Driver was updated to 3.13.25
- Materialized views are now supported
- Schema create UI was enhanced was enhanced
- Trino: Views DDL support was added
Changes since 23.1.5:
- Data Editor:
- Spatial values rendering was fixed
- Spatial images capture was fixed
- Special characters rendering was improved
- Grouping panel icons were improved
- ER Diagrams: saved diagrams now can be opened on another computers
- Data transfer: import settings handling was improved
- Accessibility:
- Connection dialog now supports screen readers
- Cell value reading was improved
- Ctrl+Shift/Alt+PageDn: vertical tabs switch
- Ctrl+ALT+6: SQL editor and results tab switch
- Ctrl+Shift+Enter now opens ER diagram entities
- Ctrl+Shift+N: new connection dialog open
- Database drivers:
- Bigquery: DDL for tables, views and stored procedures was added
- Clickhouse: arrays and structures visualization was fixed
- Greenplum: external tables reading was fixed
- Teradata: issue with the missing templates was fixed
- Many minor UI and database issues were resolved
- Data editor:
- Dictionary viewer panel UI was redesigned
- Spatial data types: curved geometries linearizing was fixed
- Issue was result tab close on data save was resolved
- Column tooltips was fixed
- Charts rendering errors visualization was improved
- SQL editor:
- Autocompletion in single-line comments was fixed
- Variable value editor was fixed
- Smart completion for CTE queries (WITH/SELECT) was fixed
- @include command handler was fixed (reuse the console for the same included script)
- INSERT SQL query generation was fixed (identity columns)
- Issue with text search/replace in hidden files was fixed
- ERD editor: grid foreground color was fixed
- General UI:
- Objects sorting in tables now can be reset to the original ordering
- Network handlers (SSH, SSL, etc) UI was redesigned
- New object creation shortcut was added (Alt+Insert)
- External files opening was fixed on MacOS and Linux
- Command line connection opening was fixed
- User name/password prompt dialog as fixed for SSH tunnels
- Issue with preference pages in Eclipse plugin was resolved
- Accessibility:
- JAWS and Narrator support was improved for data editor and vertical tabs
- High contrast theme support was significantly improved
- Databases:
- Clickhouse: map and array data types visualization was added
- Greenplum: tables DDL was fixed (for version 7)
- OpenGauss DB: json data types support was added
- PostgreSQL: default native clients (pgsql, pg_dump) version was changed to 15
- Yellowbrick: stored procedures drop query was fixed
- Localization:
- Chinese localization was updated (thanks to @bianyun)
- SQL editor:
- Table alias generation was fixed (issue with duplicated aliases)
- Auto-proposals now respect option “empty line is a query delimiter”
- Auto-proposals calculation performance was significantly improved in some cases
- Aliases completion was fixed (issue with redundant spaces)
- Table name completion was fixed for invalid SQL queries
- Spelling errors and other annotations now work in console mode
- @import command behavior is now configurable
- Data editor:
- Filters/orderings/colors reset UI was significantly improved
- Spatial viewer now hides empty labels
- Copying of spatial viewport/selection bounds was fixed
- Drag-n-drop in grouping panel fixed on Linux
- Data transfer: previous export settings loading was fixed
- General:
- Auto-commit mode switch behavior was fixed
- CLI processing was fixed in multi-workspace environment
- “Tip of the day” now shows OS-specific shortcuts corectly
- Redundant logs of SSH tunnel closing were removed
- Logical database structure settings can be disabled or reset in the connection editor dialog
- Driver search UI was fixed on MacOS
- Number of minor UI bugs were resolved
- Database:
- Athena: multi-catalog support was added
- Derby: grouping queries generation fixed
- DuckDB: time/timestamp data types support was added
- MySQL: issue with missing table partitions folder was resolved
- Oracle: table DDL shows permission grants in “full” mode
- PostgreSQL: issue with duplicated tables was resolved
- Redshift: SQL dialect was enhanced with extra keywords
- Yellowbrick: execution plan visualization was fixed
- Spatial data viewer:
- Geometry object labels were added to the map (configurable)
- Curves rendering was implemented
- Coordinates and viewport bounds copy was implemented
- EWKT format support was added
- Toolbars and lasso visibility toggle was fixed
- Data transfer:
- Import of multiple tables from an XLSX was implemented
- Lazy initialization of configuration pages was implemented
- Issue with duplicated file selector dialog was fixed
- Export in XML format was fixed (doctype section is not optional)
- Issue long filenames on Windows was fixed
- Data Editor:
- Find/Replace dialog and shortcut in the Value view panel were fixed
- Column description was added to the Metadata panel
- Folding in the XML presentation was fixed
- Displaying of images in the the value view panel was fixed on Linux
- Confirmation dialog for the result set filtering was improved
- Accessibility:
- JAWs screen reader can now read data in the Data grid
- General UI:
- Tips of the day were updated
- Creation of objects with mixed-case identifiers was fixed
- DDL generation for sequence was fixed
- Logical project deletion was fixed
- Issue with opening of a local project was fixed
- AI:
- New GPT 3.5 Turbo 16К model was added
- Issue with long metadata information sending was fixed
- Connections:
- Duplicates on driver creation were removed
- Issue with maven artifacts editing was fixed
- Certificate management UI was improved
- New drivers:
- Materialize database driver was added (thanks @bobbyiliev)
- Crate DB via PostgreSQL driver was improved (thanks @proddata)
- Databases:
- DB2: users can see Column Mask Objects
- TimescaleDB branding was updated
- Localization:
- Chinese Simplified localization was improved (thanks @bynyun)
- German localization was improved (thanks @fjf2002)
- SQL editor:
- Mouse hovering over editor annotations was fixed
- Trailing DDL query delimiter processing was fixed
- Data editor:
- References panel refresh was fixed
- XML presentation was fixed (NULL value handler)
- General UI:
- Settings reset UI and behavior were redesigned
- Editor tab tooltip now contains information abut resource’s project
- CLI parameter for app version print was added
- Objects with mixed case names caching was fixed
- Issue with program launch with wrong Java version was fixed
- Preferences export/import UI was improved
- Maven snapshot repository was added to default configuration
- Connections: kerberos support in legacy JDBC drivers (Hive) was fixed
- Data transfer: table information for tasks with broken connection was fixed
- Databases:
- BigQuery: driver version was upgraded to 1.3.3 (thanks to @fredlegaucher)
- DuckDB: LIST data type support was added
- Firebird: filters and sorting in grouping panel were fixed
- IBM i: driver download was fixed
- Oracle:
- Partitions cache refresh was fixed
- Stored procedures edit/save was fixed
- PostgreSQL: enum columns alter was fixed
- Snowflake:
- Client application name set was fixed
- Quoted identifiers auto-completion was fixed
- Misc: internal app controller server now uses HTTP instead of RMI
- SQL Editor:
- User can configure the options on the toolbar by pressing the gear button in the editor
- Issue with missing “Copy file path” option was fixed
- Data Editor:
- Statistics view now can be disabled
- Issue with References tab was fixed
- Spatial tiles configuration was fixed (thanks to @otbutz)
- ER Diagram: issue with element removal after using View Style option was fixed
- Data transfer: issue with exporting a table without data when using bulk loading was fixed
- New drivers: TDengine database is now supported (thanks @sangshuduo).
- General UI:
- Users can export DBeaver settings and import them
- Notifications in Dark theme became topic “Notices in the dark” became readable
- Users can use drag-n-drop to copy scripts, open database objects and insert Navigator node names into the editor
- Connectivity:
- User can add snapshot maven repository
- “Automatically end long idle transactions” option was redesigned
- Authentication failure when connecting via SSH was fixed
- Now users can connect with jump server using SSHJ
- Issue with connecting to Azure SQL Server using Active Directory was fixed
- Security: SQLite driver version was updated
- Databases:
- DB2z and Denodo: “Show duplicates” button in Grouping panel was fixed
- Greenplum: function DDL was fixed (default parameter values)
- Oracle:
- Dates of creation and modification appeared in the information about the packages
- Table partitions and subpartitions reading was fixed
- Issue with missing tablespace statistics after object update was fixed
- Snowflake: quotation rules for object identifiers were added
- Localization:
- Users can now select Portuguese as the default language during installation or in Preferences
- Portuguese localization was improved (thanks to @brlarini)
- German localization was improved (thanks to @coderkun)
- Misc: we switched to Eclipse 2023-06 and Java-17 as a base platform
- SQL Editor:
- Autocomplete now supports [ ] and ` as quotes for identifiers
- Shortcut confict on macOS was fixed
- JSQLParser was reverted to the version 4.5 and is now faster
- Issue with substitution variables in text with \n line feeds was fixed
- Autocomplete case with FROM right after SELECT is now handled
- Autocomplete for SELECT query without FROM was fixed
- ‘Go to Matching Bracket’ shortcut was changed to CTRL+SHIFT+[
- Autocomplete for columns in tables without alias was fixed
- Completion analyze errors are now written to the debug log
- Comment with a tab after a double dash is now handle
- Issue with hiding cursor position after resizing the editor was fixed
- Exeption when updating editor annotations was fixed
- Data Editor:
- Data ordering was improved
- General UI:
- Changing the size and position of the connection dialog is now saved
- Issue with the application freezing when creating a table when the connection hangs was fixed
- Tips of the day were revised
- Connectivity:
- Option to disable SSHJ hostname verification was added (thanks to @ryanc-me)
- Issue when switching from Community to PRO version and vice versa was fixed
- Databases:
- ClickHouse: display of large numbers was fixed
- MariaDB: partition support was added
- Oracle:
- Issue issue with native clients hanging when running SQLPlus scripts was fixed
- Issue with setting the wrong schema after connecting or changing the Data Editor was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- Issue with an exception when loading attribute information was fixed
- Reading a numeric array was fixed
- Trino: error handling was improved
- Localization:
- German localization was improved (thanks to @hype11)
- Italian localization was improved (thanks to @Gnafu)
- Misc:
- Images for all DBeaver Eclipse extensions were added
- Legacy ODBC driver based on the obsolete Java 7 was deprecated due to many issues
- SQL Editor:
- Autocomplete for WHERE and SELECT shows aliases with the aliased table
- Hovering information for SQL errors and spelling annotations was added
- Variable and parameter names in the binding dialog are now displayed in their original case
- Information about assigning a non-dynamic variable was added to the binding dialog
- Issue with incorrect icon for Execute SQL Statement after opening Output tab was fixed
- Query Manager: ‘Restore Default’ button behavior was improved
- Ability to directly execute SQL scripts in native clients was added
- Data transfer:
- Ability to trim string values when exporting to XLSX was added
- Handling of datetimeoffset was added
- General UI:
- Part divider UI was redesigned
- Option to increase formatting time was added in Preferences
- Issue with closing pinned tabs using ‘Close Tabs to the Left’ was fixed
- Connectivity:
- Issue with driver fallback not being updated was fixed
- Databases:
- ClickHouse: driver was updated to 0.4.6 (thanks to @zhicwu)
- Databricks: handling of data types without parameters was added
- Hana: comments handling was fixed
- MySQL: partitions are now supported
- Oracle: TNS import was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- Issue with duplicate tables with generated columns in Database Navigator was fixed
- Error message about line on the map created with a single point was added
- Schema refresh was fixed
- SQLite: ability to open ER Diagram in the Simple View was added
- Localization:
- German localization was improved (thanks to @hype11)
- Italian localization was improved (thanks to @Gnafu)
- Data Editor:
- Bottom toolbar became customizable
- Disconnected editors can be easily reconnected
- Issue with Ctrl+1 shortcut not working was fixed
- SQL Editor:
- Issue with refresh button closing active resul tab was fixed
- Issue with not correct dislaying of \r\n sequence was fixed
- Issue when generating the same UUID for all rows was fixed (thanks to @SiyaoIsHiding)
- Data Transfer:
- Ability to change the target column type on import to BIGINT was added
- Export from query to CSV was fixed
- Git: Missing git buttons and menus were added on macOS (Apple Silicon)
- Databases:
- ClickHouse: Catalog support was added
- Informix: issue with extra spaces in table name was fixed
- MySQL:
- Event reading for quoted schemas was fixed
- Time handling in MySQL was improved
- Oracle:
- Issue with parcing IF EXISTS statements was fixed
- The display of DATE with additional settings in the Result Set was fixed
- Inromation about latest statistics update was added
- PostgreSQL:
- Generation of ALTER table SQL for foreign tables was improved
- Role settings were added in generated DDL
- IDENTITY SEQUENCE were added in generated DDL
- Snowflake: issue with incorrect import with BIGINT, INT, REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE PRECISION, and DECIMAL data types was fixed
- Trino: issue with import files with varchar data type was fixed
- Misc:
- SalesForce driver was updated
- ODBC connection error was fixed
- Java native libraries were added to DBeaver installation directly to avoid app crash cased by system restrictions.
- DBeaver started to collect user statistics. It is anonymous and optional
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