DBeaver 23.3.5

  • SQL Editor:
    • Syntax highlighting was improved
    • Highlighting in nested queries and on query editing was fixed
    • Scrolling with opened Outline was fixed
    • Applying settings to Outline was fixed
    • Order by i.* was supported in Outline
    • Joined tables presentation in Outline was fixed
  • AI: Ability to send object descriptions to OpenAI was added
  • Data Editor:
    • Scrolling multiple tab result was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl
    • Fetch next page shortcut was changed to CTRL+ALT+N
  • ER Diagram: Connections rendering was improved
  • Data transfer:
    • The Proceed button at the last step became more visible
    • On conflict expression was added to INSERT statements
    • Crash when importing CSV file was fixed
    • Extra space before the semicolon in export to SQL was removed
  • General:
    • Close idle connection setting saving was fixed
    • Application launch was improved
    • Unexpected transaction ending was fixed
    • Settings are applied to new connections without a restart
    • User credential dialog was fixed
    • Issue with the background task of the dashboard update was fixed
    • Temporary directory creation was fixed
  • Security: Added warning when trying to open an encrypted project and risk losing all connection credentials
  • New driver:
    • StarRocks database support was added
  • Databases:
    • MariaDB driver was updated to version 3.3.2
    • Oracle:
      • Keywords and schemes highlighting was improved
      • Default subpartition type was added
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Creating a new table from the user interface was fixed
      • Duplication of procedures was fixed
    • Snowflake: VIEW keyword highlighting and validation was improved
    • SQL Server: syntax highlighting was fixed
    • Sybase:
      • Stored procedure creation was added
      • Using create view instead of Alter view was fixed
      • Import with table mapping was fixed
  • Localization:
    • French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
    • Babel version was updated
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.3.4

  • Metadata Editor:
    • Constraint creation was fixed
    • Editor performance on Linux was enhanced
  • SQL Editor:
    • Autocomplete for aggregate functions was added
    • Arrays highlighting was added
    • SELECT query validation was fixed
    • Color and font settings with enabled semantic analysis was fixed
    • Small font in the editor and result set was fixed
    • Creating multiple parsing jobs was fixed
  • Outline viewer:
    • Composite types and arrays support and validation was added
    • Data type decorations were added
    • Error when saving SQL console as a script was fixed
  • AI: Issue with using chat format in completion dialog was fixed
  • Data Editor:
    • Ignoring quotes option was added to Advanced paste
    • Issue with multiple checks in filters was fixed
  • ER Diagram: Self-connection rendering was enhanced
  • Data Transfer:
    • Delimiter selection when exporting in TXT format was added
    • Target table change on the mapping page was fixed
  • General: Idle connections behavior has changed, now they are automatically closed by default after some time
  • New drivers:
    • RisingWave driver support was added
    • Cubrid driver support was significantly enhanced (thanks to @longhaseng52)
  • Databases:
    • Altibase:
      • Adding and renaming constraint in metadata editor was fixed
      • Reading data in columns with quote names was fixed
    • Clickhouse: Legacy driver was fixed
    • MySQL and MariaDB: ‘Grant option’ is checked only if grant permission exists
    • Snowflake:
      • Snowflake driver was updated to version 3.14.4
      • Double-dash single-line comments highlighting was fixed
      • Functions words were added to SQL Editor
    • SQLite driver was updated to version
    • TDengine: Unqoted table names presentation was fixed
    • PostgreSQL: Option ‘Show all databases’ was moved to the main page in the Connection settings
    • Redshift: Added extended support for stored procedures for early Redshift versions
  • Misc:
    • Links to download PRO version were added
    • Ability to use waffle-jna in MariaDB, PostgeSQL, and Oracle was added
    • Flipped splash screen on macOS Sonoma was fixed
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DBeaver 23.3.3

  • Metadata editor:
    • Object creation dialog was redesigned
  • SQL Editor:
    • Autocomplete for INSERT statements was fixed
    • Case sensitivity on highlighting and validation was fixed
    • Duplicated table aliases in autocomplete were fixed
    • Column aliases highlighting was fixed
    • Dot character is not allowed again in variable name
  • Data Editor: Column descriptions are displayed again
  • Database Tasks: Display of task execution time was fixed
  • ER Diagram: One-to-one connection rendering for unique/primary key was fixed
  • Data Transfer:
    • All columns can be marked as skipped when exporting data
    • Statistics was excluded from exported data
  • General:
    • Changing the monospace font was fixed
    • Unique key creation was fixed
    • Finding local clients on Linux and macOS was improved
  • Databases:
    • Altibase support was added (thanks to @zennken)
    • BigQuery: Structs and arrays are supported
    • Dameng:
      • Dameng driver was updated
      • Users, roles, and categories are supported (thanks to @Stkai)
    • MySQL: Path to the local client was fixed
    • MySQL and MariaDB: Rendering columns with unique identifiers was fixed
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Schema permissions display was fixed
      • Confirmation message for clean option of restore wizard was fixed
    • SQLite: Import with ‘truncate target tables before load’ option was fixed
    • SQL Server:
      • Check constraint option was removed from primary/unique key creation page
      • Displaying source in the index properties was fixed (thanks to @HansenChristoffer)
      • SQL Server driver was updated
  • Localization:
    • Japanese localization was updated (thanks to @doew)
  • Misc:
    • Microsoft Store version was fixed
    • Starting application when the workspace directory is a link was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.3.2

  • Metadata editor:
    • New database objects wizard was redesigned
    • Primary/unique key can be created automatically along with new columns
  • SQL Editor:
    • Outline viewer of SQL queries structure was added
    • Execution time format was improved
    • Toolbar customization page opening was fixed
    • Identifiers coloring was improved
    • Autocomplete was fixed for multiline comments
  • Accessibility: notifications can be read with a screen reader (JAWs, NVDA or Narrator)
  • ER Diagram: connection errors handling was added
  • Data Transfer: Incorrect links in settings were fixed
  • AI: legacy OpenAI models were removed
  • General:
    • Incorrect links to help articles were fixed
    • Redundant items were deleted from the Context menu
    • Global network settings preferences page is available again
  • Databases:
    • ClickHouse: leagacy driver configuration was fixed
    • Dameng: tablespaces are supported (thanks to @Stkai)
    • Google Cloud SQL: redundant options were removed from the context menu
    • MySQL: TLS 1.3 support was added
    • MySQL and PostgreSQL: local native database clients can be found on macOS and Linux
    • Teradata: metadata search was significantly enhanced
  • Localization:
    • Ukrainian localization was added (thanks to @CrazyTapok-bit)
    • Italian translation was improved (thanks to @coluzziandrea)
    • Portuguese localization was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.3.1

  • SQL Editor:
    • New highlighting and script validation were enabled by default
    • SQL highlighting performance was improved
    • Connection variables and system environment variables now accessible from SQ Leditor
    • Handling of special characters was fixed
  • Data Editor:
    • Value selector panel was improved: you can switch the active panel with ‘Ctrl+Tab’ and change the active value in the context menu
    • Advanced paste of multiple records was enhanced
    • Spatial data zooming was improved (thanks to @kalkun)
  • ER Diagrams:
    • Diagram layout was enhanced
  • Data Transfer:
    • Users can change the data export task output format
    • Data export from table to table was fixed
  • Security:
    • Oracle driver version was updated to
  • General:
    • We switched to Eclipse 2023-12
    • Language detection for locale containing language and country was fixed
    • Workspace opening was fixed
    • ‘Statistic’ tab display was fixed
    • Broken links in connection dialogs were fixed
    • New foreign key name generation was fixed
  • Databases:
    • DB2: Loading schema statistics was fixed
    • EDB: Packages duplicating schemas in the Database Navigator were removed
    • Firebird: Function and procedure presentation was enhanced
    • Google Bigtable name was corrected
    • Greenplum: Rows policies were supported
    • MariaDB: Result fetch size was fixed
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Indexes and constraints are displayed in partition DDL
      • Backup of several schemas and several tables was enhanced
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.3.0

Changes since 23.2.5:

  • Security: database drivers were updated due to security reasons: DB2, Google BigQuery, Athena, and YugabyteDB
  • SQL Editor:
    • Autocompletion of column names with special characters was fixed
    • Output panel display in the statistics tab was fixed
    • Selected query execution was fixed
    • Queries with CTE execution was fixed
  • Data Editor:
    • Filter value search was fixed
    • Advanced Copy as HTML with spaces in the column names was fixed
    • Numeric value “infinity” representation was fixed
  • ER Diagrams:
    • Diagram update on metadata changes was fixed
    • Automatic re-layout on notation or routing change was fixed
  • General:
    • Tips of the day were updated
    • Constraints rename was fixed
    • Idle transaction rollback notification was fixed
  • Data Transfer:
    • “Native clients” were renamed into “Local clients”
    • Update on conflict behavior was improved (now it respects indexes too)
    • Database restore was fixed
    • List of supported variables was updated
    • Database tasks: missing line break was added to the task log file
  • Connections:
    • Driver download error handle was fixed was fixed
    • ‘Check for new driver version’ setting save was fixed
  • Databases:
    • Firebird: default values for procedure parameters are now displayed
    • PostgreSQL/Greenplum: foreign key creation was fixed
    • MySQL5 driver is available again
    • Oracle: comments were added to the newly created columns
  • A number of minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.2.5

  • SQL editor:
    • Syntax coloring and code completion: smart columns abd aliases recognition was added (experimental)
    • Numerous improvements in single-tab results visualization
    • Quoting of identifiers with special characters was fixed
    • Issue with read-only column in queries with comments was resolved
    • COMMIT/ROLLBACK statements are now recognized as transaction state change statements
  • Data transfer:
    • Issue with unquoted column names was resolved (data import)
    • File import toolbar was redesigned
    • Library for XLSX export/import was updated, many minor issues were resolved
  • Accessibility:
    • Screen-readers support was improved (JAWS)
    • Editor tab names reading was fixed
  • ER diagrams: issues with notation switch were resolved
  • General:
    • Issue with output file name after multiple executions of data export task was resolved
    • Error “Data transfer IO error” was resolved
    • Comments in generated DDL now can be disabled (configurable)
    • Countdown visualization before auto-close was added for idle transactions
    • Extra tips added in connection keep-alive configuration
    • Database navigator: click in empty space handle was fixed (thanks to @itsyfx)
  • Databases:
    • MySQL:
      • Driver version was upgraded to 8.2
      • Legacy MySQL 5.x driver was deprecated and replaced with MySQL 8 driver
    • Oracle:
      • Materialized views indexes management was supported
      • Materialized views permissions and dependencies view was added
      • Column alter DDL was fixed (NULL clause)
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Issue with VARCHAR limit change was fixed
      • Function comment delete support was added
    • SQL Server: extra dialect keyword were added (thanks to @brunodmartins)
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.2.4

  • SQL editor:
    • Code completion for update statements was added
    • Smart completion and replacements of quoted expressions was fixed
    • Redundant errors on opening SQL Editor for the first time were removed from the logs
  • Database Navigator:
    • Filtered objects visualization was added
    • Script folder opening was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Attributes names for quoted attributes are handled correctly
    • “Copy as HTML” result presentation is improved
  • Data editor:
    • Background color reset was fixed
    • Message about content representation size limit was fixed
    • App freeze in binary editor was fixed (MacOS)
  • ER diagrams: one-to-one connection rendering was fixed
  • Connections:
    • SSH connection page validation is enhanced for jump servers
    • Complex JDBC driver support was improved (context classloader + driver cache)
  • General:
    • Script names are sorted alphabetically
    • Refresh button was added to the “Generate DDL” dialog
    • Issue with app launch was fixed (rare case)
  • Databases:
    • Oracle: search package bodies as packages was supported
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Default privileges presentation and editing was supported
      • Sequences permissions reading for quoted roles was fixed
    • SQLite: required columns creating was fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.2.3

  • Data editor:
    • Excel (XLSX) export now supports columns auto-fit
    • Copy from row bellow/above command was fixed
    • Shortcut for “Got to column” column was changed to Ctrl+Shift+G
  • SQL editor:
    • Script statistics configuration was extended
    • AI completion bugs were fixed and configuration UI was redesigned
    • Tabs close in horizontal mode was fixed
    • Script to connection association save was fixed
  • Data export:
    • Data import tasks wer fixed for schema-less databases
    • Columns value transform expressions evaluation was fixed
    • All data transfer were migrated to a new IO API
    • Export functionality now can be disabled completely
    • Tasks loading for missing database objects was fixed
  • ER diagrams: one-to-one connections rendering was fixed
  • General:
    • Default file encoding was changed to UTF-8. IT affects all external tools integration.
    • Web based authentication is now opened in external browser by default
    • Version update functionality now can be disabled completely
  • Databases:
    • Clickhouse: map data type visualization was fixed
    • Databricks: issue with national encodings was resolved
    • Greenplum:
      • Issue with case-sensitive table names was resolved
      • FFL for function parameters was fixed
    • MySQL: session manager now shows info from performance_schema
    • OpenEdge: root catalog is now hidden; data export was fixed
    • PostgreSQL: foreign key DDL was fixed (MATCH FULL)
  • Misc: we switched to Eclipse 2023-09
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 23.2.2

  • SQL editor:
    • Aut-completion for complex SQL queries was improved
    • Reconnecting of open editors when switching between Simple and Advanced view was fixed
    • SQL console now can be saved as script
  • ER diagrams:
    • Diagrams notations switcher was added
    • Connections rendering was improved
    • Crow’s foot notation was added
  • Data editor:
    • Multiple query results now can be displayed vertically
    • `Go to column` (Ctrl+J) action was added
    • Column search was added to Metadata panel
    • Numeric formatting was fixed for floating point numbers
    • Issue with empty table after opening the Calc panel was resolved
    • Setting row color for the result set was fixed
  • Data transfer: columns automating mapping is now configurable
  • General:
    • `Restore defaults` on preference pages now resets to actual default preferences
    • Eclipse 2023-09 plugin API is now supported
    • Reset UI settings was fixed on macOS
    • App crash when running on Wayland was fixed
    • java.compiler and java.scripting modules were included in bundled Java
  • Databases:
    • Dameng database extension was added (thanks to @Stkai)
    • Clickhouse: array map representation was fixed
    • Google Spanner: table DDL generation was fixed
    • DB2 LUW: trigger editor was fixed
    • Exasol: customer group creation was fixed
    • Fireberd: several keywords were added
    • Materialized: system schemas loading was fixed
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Backup/restore native tools execution was fixed
      • `Europe/Kyiv` timezone support was fixed
    • Redshift:
      • Schemas loading was fixed
      • Spectrum tables loading was fixed (for custom driver configurations)
Posted in Releases