SQL Editor:
Performance in Smart mode of Blank line as a statement delimiter was enhanced
Ability to show all SQL scripts from the main toolbar was added
Syntax highlighting for functions with multiple arguments was fixed
SQL datatype color use was corrected
DROP statement support was added to Outline
Metadata Editor: Foreign Key creation dialog UIX was improved
Data Editor:
Indication of the table read-only/editable mode was added
Information about active unique key used for data edit was added
Customise and Save filter buttons were moved to the dropdown
Issue with too small Result Set Order/Filter Settings window was resolved
Rollback timer flickering was fixed
Query Manager: information about database schema and catalog was added to the detailed record view
Simple Structure Compare: issue with long file names was resolved
Issue with default SSH connection timeout was resolved
Driver downloading problem reporting was fixed
Incorrect button behavior in the confirmation dialog was fixed
Security credential encryption was enhanced (thanks to @longhaseng52)
Toolbar and Data Editor background on the Dark theme was improved
Smart commit mode indication was fixed
Issue with metadata cache reading was resolved
Automatic resize of connection dialog and tasks dialogs was fixed
Complex structures handling was fixed
Clickhouse driver was updated to version 0.6.1
CUBRID: ‘db_server’ information was added to the Database Navigator
Oracle: Connection error in the application downloaded from the Microsoft Store was fixed
PostgreSQL: Dollar-quoted string parsing was fixed
SQL Server:
Issue with resultset primary key detection was resolved
Duplicated output when running stored procedures was fixed
NTLM Authentication was fixed
Datetime datatype representation was fixed
AI: GPT-4o model was supported
SQL Editor:
Auto-save editor setting was enabled by default
ILIKE keyword was supported
Support for unsigned numbers in GROUP BY clause was added
Syntax highlighting and outline viewer support parameter changes in SQL Processing settings
Links to the SQL Editor and Visual Query Builder were added to the Context menu
Buttons in the right toolbar were renamed
Print mode in ER Diagrams and Execution plan was fixed
Saving Diagram outside the workspace was fixed
Data Editor:
Information about table unique key is displayed in the grid
BETWEEN and LIKE keywords were added to filetr autocomplection
Data transfer:
Export of data with backticks was fixed (thanks to @diashalabi)
Export of binary columns in JSON format was fixed
Ability to restore default settings was fixed in SQL Editor Formatting settings, SQL Editor settings, SQL Editor Commit type, Error handling settings, and Hex Editor default width
Creating a view from the UI was fixed
Buttons display when creating new dashboard was fixed
New table creation was fixed
The following drivers were updated:
Firebird to version 5.0.4
Redshift to
Informix to 4.50.JC10W1
Altibase: Search for server properties was added (thanks to @zennken)
BigQuery: Ability to see bytes billed in Statistics panel in the Data Editor was added
Execution plan coloring was enhanced (thanks to @hwany7seo)
Ability to create a table via UI was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
DDL display for a view was added together with the ability to display the list of indexes, synonyms, serials, triggers, and procedures (thanks to @longhaseng52)
Ping query for keep connection alive was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
Partition display was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
If database field in connection settings is empty, user name is used as a database name
Work of ‘Use fully qualified names’ setting was fixed for views
Redis: Key settings were fixed
Redshift: Constraint creation was fixed
Vertica: Stored procedures handling in SQL Editor was fixed
Changes since 24.0.5:
SQL Editor: issue with extra linefeed during autocompletion was fixed
Data Editor: loading data when fast scrolling using the keyboard was fixed
Database tasks:
Maximum execution time option was added
Tasks running from non-default workspace was fixed
‘Azure AD’ was renamed to ‘Microsoft Entra ID’
Links to database support documentation were added for many databases
Automatical termination of the shell command script ‘Before connect’ was fixed
Crash when closing detached editor tab in another window was fixed
‘Restore default’ for Metadata read, Client identification settings was fixed
.projects and .settings folders became findable in Projects when the application is used as an Eclipse plugin
Truncated notifications were fixed
Disconnecting a database from the Project view was fixed
Opening a bookmark after changing the application language was fixed (thanks to @SASUKE38)
ERD: loading diagrams for drivers with broken foreign keys support was fixed
Database Navigator:
Color of the table statistics was changed to visible in the dark theme and became configurable
Deleting connection option in the context menu was renamed to ‘Delete connection’
CrateDB: table DDL was fixed
Databricks: authentication with personal access token was added
DB2i: procedure creation was fixed
DuckDB: aliases autocompletion was fixed
H2: foreign keys presentation was fixed
Oracle: JSON data type support was improved
PostgreSQL: support of fully qualified names in DDL was fixed
German localization was updated (thanks to @maxbobse)
SQL Editor:
Smart mode for statement delimiter was improved
Default option for the setting ‘Blank line is statement delimiter’ was changed to ‘Always’
Cursor behavior during autocompletion was improved
Code highlighting issue with a quoted identifier in case of no connection was fixed
High CPU usage for large script was fixed
Metadata Editor:
Highlighting for created entities was changed to green
Virtual foreign keys: reference table container selector was fixed
Database Navigator: CTRL+C and other shortcuts behavior after the application startup were fixed
AI (extension): custom scope performance was improved
Opening editors for files with special symbols in names was fixed
Portable distribution of the application was fixed (config files location)
Licensing for some source files was fixed
Eclipse plugin: new database objects create was fix
DuckDB: Spatial data visualization support was added
Partition type display was added
Materialized view refresh was fixed
SQL Server: Default IDENTITY was changed to (1,1) (thanks to @Sgierek106)
Vertica: LOOP/END LOOP as a block and DECLARE were added to the syntax analyzer
SQL Editor:
Smart mode for Blank line is statement delimiter setting was fixed
Vertical button alignment was fixed
ER Diagrams: Keep layout selection was fixed
Data transfer:
Import from CSV with duplicated columns names was fixed
Parallel data transfer monitoring/cancellation were fixed
Ability to drag and drop charts to another dashboard was added
Number of minor UI improvements were added
SSH parameters validation on the Connection page was added
Editing of ‘Local host’ and ‘Remote host’ fields in the Port Forwarding section was fixed
Database connection timeout notification was fixed
Development: Redundant tests were disabled
GRANT OPTION privilege persistence was fixed
Schema privileges representation was fixed
SQL Server: trigger deletion was fixed
Teradata: link to the referenced table in the Metadata editor was added
Localization: French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
Language configuration in Windows installer was fixed
We have migrated to Eclipse 2024/06
Migration from Toad for Oracle was supported
Sensitive information in the log files is now masked
SQL Editor:
Smart mode for ‘Blank line as statement delimiter’ option was added (enabled by default)
Sub-select autocompletion was added
Highlighting of column references in INSERT queries was fixed
Outline viewer opening was fixed
Issue with hidden text on macOS was fixed
Space trimming when saving user credentials was added
Saving SSH configuration with missing AWS private key was fixed
Reconnecting via SSH tunnel was fixed
ER Diagrams: foreign keys presentation was fixed
AI assistant is enabled by default
Database metadata collection was fixed
Dashboards: disappearance of custom dashboards after version update was fixed
Space trimming when saving user credentials was added
Saving SSH configuration with missing AWS private key was fixed
Reconnecting via SSH tunnel was fixed
Using multiple jumps tunnels when connecting via SSH was supported
Enable tunnel sharing option was added
Test connection was fixed
SQL Editor:
WHERE TRUE and SELECT UNIQUE support was added
Error with single quoted string was fixed
Syntax highlighting after active schema change was fixed
Data Editor:
Automatic row count option was added (thanks to @utsav1704)
Metadata editor:
Deleting table comments was fixed
Linking with the editor was fixed
Ability to collect log files from the interface was added
Transaction rollback behavior was fixed
Metadata changes were removed from the commit counter
Autocommit in production databases was fixed
Data transfer:
Ability to specify header case in the target file was added
Typo in the confirmation dialog was fixed
Cubrid: Query plan feature was added (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
Old MySQL drivers were repacked
PostgreSQL: Jobs, roles, and system information were hidden in the Hide Folders mode
SQLite: Deleting columns was fixed
Shared SSH sessions support was added
Connection via native proxy was fixed
Dark theme support on the Connection page was improved
SQL Editor:
Highlighting, validation, and outline for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE were supported
Incorrect cursor position during autocomplete was fixed
QUALIFY keyword was supported (thanks to @ashu7896)
Metadata editor: automatic reference column creation for a new foreign key was implemented
Data Editor:
Opening of a table with empty data was fixed
SRID editing was fixed
SVG icons support was added
Error when checking checkboxes in the Formatting page in Preferences was fixed
Disappearance of renamed project was fixed (thanks to @saikotek)
Dameng: Sequence creation was fixed
Sequences, views, and table definitions were supported
Ability to add comments via UI was added
MySQL: link to the driver documentation was fixed
RisingWave: non-working functions and folders were removed
PostgreSQL: issues with scheduled jobs was resolved
SQLite: errors when creating table was fixed
SQL Server: redundant authentication types were hidden
Sybase: stored procedures support was improved
Teradata: procedures and functions DDLs reading was enhanced
Romanian language support was added (thanks to @v613)
French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
Changes since 23.3.5:
SQL Editor:
Nested CASE statements were supported
Deleting queries from Outline was fixed
Type casts support was improved
Handling of right-click on collapsed query was fixed
Expanding collapsed group after the code execution was fixed
Metadata editor: changing the key name when a constraint is changed
Data Editor: SRID switching in the Spatial data viewer was fixed
ER Diagram:
Missing connection lines were fixed
Mikami-Tabuchi routing type was disabled
Comment presentation was improved
Sending unique keys and indexes was fixed
Data Transfer:
Export statistic was fixed
Import blocking in case of table creation restriction was fixed
Stack overflow on Linux was fixed
Connectivity: closing timeout for an idle connection was increased and disabled for embedded drivers
Vulnerabilities display in Elasticsearch was fixed
PosgtreSQL driver was upgraded due to CVE-2024-1597
Smart commit mode was enhanced: if the manual commit mode was enabled and just after it the query failed, the smart commit mode is enabled again
Links between preference pages were fixed
Issue with not found tables was fixed
Release note display was corrected
Driver libraries download was fixed
Previous workspace format was supported
Usage statistics popup was redesigned
DuckDB: WSL paths handling was fixed
Greenplum: STRICT keyword was added to function definition
Hana: Switch to the Kerberos authentication in the Connection page was fixed
MariaDB: The exported JSON format was fixed
MySQL and MariaDB:
“Disable Triggers” option was added to the Context menu
“Case-sensitive” option was added to the metadata search
Databases with the same name but different name case are considered as different databases
Oracle: generating DDL for triggers was fixed
SQL Server: additional table properties were added for tables and views in the properties editor
Yellowbricks icons and link to the website were changed
SQL Editor:
Syntax highlighting was improved
Highlighting in nested queries and on query editing was fixed
Scrolling with opened Outline was fixed
Applying settings to Outline was fixed
Order by i.* was supported in Outline
Joined tables presentation in Outline was fixed
AI: Ability to send object descriptions to OpenAI was added
Data Editor:
Scrolling multiple tab result was improved. You can scroll all result sets using Ctrl
Fetch next page shortcut was changed to CTRL+ALT+N
ER Diagram: Connections rendering was improved
Data transfer:
The Proceed button at the last step became more visible
On conflict expression was added to INSERT statements
Crash when importing CSV file was fixed
Extra space before the semicolon in export to SQL was removed
Close idle connection setting saving was fixed
Application launch was improved
Unexpected transaction ending was fixed
Settings are applied to new connections without a restart
User credential dialog was fixed
Issue with the background task of the dashboard update was fixed
Temporary directory creation was fixed
Security: Added warning when trying to open an encrypted project and risk losing all connection credentials
New driver:
StarRocks database support was added
MariaDB driver was updated to version 3.3.2
Keywords and schemes highlighting was improved
Default subpartition type was added
Creating a new table from the user interface was fixed
Duplication of procedures was fixed
Snowflake: VIEW keyword highlighting and validation was improved
SQL Server: syntax highlighting was fixed
Stored procedure creation was added
Using create view instead of Alter view was fixed
Import with table mapping was fixed
French translation was updated (thanks to @Jean-BaptisteC)
Babel version was updated
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