DBeaver 5.3.3

  • Connection wizard was completely redesigned.
  • Database driver icons were updated.
  • “Tip of the day” dialog was redesigned, tips were added
  • SQL editor:
    • Parameters binding was improved
    • @set command now supports variables
  • Data transfer:
    • Tables/columns mapping UI was enhanced
    • Auto-mapping button was added
    • Summary page was redesigned
  • ERD: attributes visibility configuration was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • Active directory and Kerberos authentication were added
    • Server sessions/connections manager was added
    • Error position highlighting was added
    • Auto-completion and object search was fixed
    • Schema list reading was fixed
    • Views, triggers and stored procedures editor was added
    • Foreign key navigation was fixed
    • Metadata read was improved
  • Sybase: stored procedures reading was fixed
  • Greenplum:
    • External tables browser was added
    • Greenplum-specific tables DDL was added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Problem with RDS/SSL connections was resolved
    • Data types reading was fixed
    • Extra tables and indexes statistics was added
    • Debugger break-point toggle command was fixed
  • Exasol: comments edit support was added
  • SQLite: metadata editor was fixed
  • MS Access: metadata reading was fixed
  • CSV: export/import settings save/load was fixed
  • SAP HANA: native table DDL reading was added
  • Dark theme: data editor colors were fixed
  • Windows installer now supports silent instalation (/S and /D flags
  • see WIKI)
  • Unexpected editors “modified” mark was removed (Linux Mint)
  • CSV: export/import settings save/load was fixed
  • Older Eclipse (Mars) now supported by plugin version
  • Object delete confirmation message was fixed
  • Dangerous confirmation popups were removed
  • Workspace switching (from menu) was fixed
  • Numerous localization bugs were fixed
  • Many minor UI bugfixes
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DBeaver 5.3.2

  • Data editor:
    • Open With menu was added (web browser and Excel)
    • Next page auto-fetch was fixed
  • UUID/GUID generate function was added
  • ERD:
    • Save as picture function was fixed (case-insensitive file path)
    • Attributes visibility configuration was improved
  • Data transfer: “truncate target table before load” function was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • Parameters biding dialog + results scrolling glitch was fixed
    • Glitch with first time reading of proposal was fixed
    • Stored procedure auto-completion was fixed
    • Syntax coloring: Color Themes support was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • Default schema detection was fixed
    • Column data type resolution was fixed
    • Identifiers auto-completion was fixed
    • NVarchar(MAX) data type resolution was fixed
  • Exasol:
    • Exasol V6.1 support was added
    • Metadata reading performance was significantly improved
    • Partitions information was added
    • Security management was improved (roles, priority groups, policies, etc)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Rules support was added (read-only)
    • Stored procedures (PostgreSQL 11) support was added
    • Aggregate functions meta information support was added
    • Database tablespace edit support was added
    • Reserved keywords update was added
  • Greenplum:
    • External table DDL generation fixes were added
  • Redshift: column encoding information was added
  • Oracle: PS/SQL blocks parser was fixed
  • Huge code refactoring was made (separation of model and UI plugins)
  • Many minor UI bugfixes
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DBeaver 5.3.1

Merry X-Mas everyone!

DBeaver 5.3.1 release notes:

  • Java 11 support was added
  • Data transfer: saving for tables/columns mappings was added
  • Extensions installation/update were fixed on Windows (infinite restart loop)
  • Object editor:
    • Actions toolbar UI was fixed
    • Expand/collapse actions for all list items were added
    • Foreign key creation dialog was fixed
  • Data editor:
    • Dictionary value viewer/editor was fixed (null values, SQLite foreign keys)
    • Tooltips for foreign key links were added
    • Shortcuts for data view panels were added (customizable)
    • Results pagination now supports full data refresh (configurable)
    • Grid columns width calculation was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • Query timing was fixed
  • Linked files/folders rename was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • UI for active database switching was improved
    • Interval data type support was improved
    • Database backup was fixed (schema name quote)
    • Support for table triggers comment view/edit was added
  • Greenplum:
    • Tables DDL show GP-specific options now
    • Partition tables view was fixed
  • DB2 z/OS: views definition reading was added
  • Sybase/SAP ASE/SQL Anywhere: stored procedure list reading was fixed
  • Vertica: projection columns comments view/edit support was added
  • MonetDB: driver configuration was added
  • Many minor UI bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.3

DBeaver 5.3 is ready. Mostly it is a bugfix or “stabilizing” release so there were no new major features.

  • Data editor:
    • Dictionary tables lookup/search was added
    • Grouping panel now supports different presentations
    • Unpin all tabs command was added
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-completion algorithm was improved
    • SQL formatter was improved (UPDATE, BEGIN/END)
    • Multi-tab context menu was fixed
  • Connection wizard: settings page UI was redesigned
  • Foreign key creation dialog: unique indexes usage was added
  • SQL processing: LIMIT usage was fixed
  • Connection ping (keep-alive) was improved (ping CALLED only during idle periods)
  • FireBird: SQL execution plan analyzer was added (thanks to tomas303)
  • SQL Server:
    • Database objects search was fixed
    • Metadata reading (unique keys) was fixed
    • Table comments editor was fixed
    • DateTimeOffset data type support was fixed
    • New extension requires Microsoft driver only
  • Oracle:
    • Timestamp handling was fixed (for some Oracle server versions)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Non-default databases are disabled by default
    • Native psql invocation was fixed (for old PG versions)
  • CSV files: columns and foreign keys reading was fixed
  • H2: embedded database shutdown procedure was fixed
  • A lot of minor fixes in UI and metadata processing
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DBeaver 5.2.5

  • SQL Server (MSSQL) database extension was added:
    • Native SQL Server metadata
    • Table/columns/indexes/constraints editor
    • View/edit objects’ comments
  • Connection invalidate/reconnect action was redesigned (now forces reconnect always)
  • Data viewer:
    • Cell rendering was fixed in the plaintext view
    • Data save/reject key bindings were fixed
    • Support of right align for numbers and dates in plaintext view was added
  • SQL editor:
    • Tabs management was redesigned (now all tabs are pinnable and closeable)
    • SQL completion was significantly improved/fixed
    • Additional configuration for SQL formatter
  • Object editor:
    • Problem with “jumping” focus was fixed
    • Links rendering was fixed
    • Checkboxes are now grouped together
  • Data transfer: problem with multiple tables mappings was fixed
  • Read-only connections now restrict metadata edit
  • Driver properties editor UI was improved (password properties masking)
  • Project explorer UI was fixed (header column sizes)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • View and functions rename support was added
    • PostGIS support improved (now supports creation of new geometry values)
    • Data type DDL was added
    • Functions DDL was improved (comments)
    • JDBC driver default version changed to 42.2.5
  • MySQL:
    • Multiple/excluding schema filters were fixed
    • Presto: table elements reading was fixed (performance)
    • DB2 z/OS: driver config was fixed (foreign keys reading)
    • A lot of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.2.4

  • Results viewer:
    • Ordering confirmation config was fixed (issue with “unsortable” results fixed)
    • Toolbars layout was changed
    • Grid presentation: columns width stretching (fit screen/value) commands were added
    • Plaintext presentation: tabs support was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • Associated connection info can be placed in the first line of script (can be shared between different users)
    • Unnecessary objects information reading was disabled (completion performance was greatly improved)
    • Auto-completion was fixed (identifier replacement)
    • Use different syntax for store functions and procedures invocation
    • Fix for the “Search inside names” option support
  • Object editor:
    • Property editor form was redesigned/fixed
    • Glitch with jumping cursor fixed
    • Grid visibility config was added
  • Read-only connections detection was fixed
  • Light theme is now default DBeaver theme (instead of Classic)
  • Preferences pages were reorganized. SQL scripts processing pref page was added.
  • Driver selection page: new design (optional)
  • Linked folder/file handling was fixed (do not delete broken links)
  • Data transfer wizard: progress monitor was fixed
  • Greenplum:
    • Functions header/footer was added to DDL
    • Table DDL generation was enhanced
  • SQL Server: procedure names fixed in auto-completion
  • AWS Athena: connection page was fixed
  • ORacle: do not use DBA_* views by default
  • Mock data generation wizard was improved:
    • Possibility to skip columns
    • Column generator settings save/load was fixed
    • Skip auto-generated columns by default
  • Darkest Dark theme support was fixed
  • German language localization update (thanks to Bullnados)
  • Chinese language localization update (thanks to fengchao)
  • Maven configuration was redesigned (now Maven project nature can be used in Eclipse)
  • A lot of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.2.3

  • Object (tables, columns, etc) editor was redesigned
  • Statistics/misc tab was added to object editors
  • Data transfer supports document-oriented databases now
  • Table rename procedure is available from the table editor (MySQL, PG, Oracle, DB2)
  • Long operations canceling was fixed
  • “Tip of the day” popup was added
  • Java 11 support was added
  • Azure SQL driver was added
  • AWS Athena support was significantly improved
  • AWS Redshift:
    • Spectrum and external tables support was added
    • Columns and foreign keys metadata reading was fixed
  • Cockroach: foreign keys reading was fixed (for ERD)
  • Vertica: performance for data reading from big tables was improved
  • PostgreSQL: support transactions in tools (Truncate and others) was added
  • Oracle: TIMESTAMPTZ and TIMESTAMPLTZ data types support was fixed
  • Greenplum: session manager was added
  • SQL Server: sequences info reading was fixed
  • Clickhouse: GROUP BY/ORDER BY functions in grouping panel were fixed
  • Eclipse 2018-09 is now the default platform.
  • Extra command line parameters were added
  • German and Russian localizations were significantly improved
  • A lot of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.2.2

Release notes:

  • Google BigQuery extension was added
  • DBF files driver was added
  • SOCKS proxy: support for proxies on localhost
  • New version release checker was fixed (NPE)
  • SQL editor:
    • Selection occurrences highlighting was improved
    • Auto-completion: fuzzy completion is now used for all database objects
    • Extra formatting configuration was added
    • Active query tab switch bug was fixed
    • SQL joins auto-completion was fixed (quote column names)
  • Results viewer:
    • Filtering + ORDER BY was fixed
    • All long string editors now support xml/json formatting
    • Native date/time formatting support was added
    • Date/time columns justify config was added
    • Bit string values support was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Max string column length is respected when generating DDL
    • TXT format support was fixed (column widths)
  • Query/long tasks canceling was improved (configuration)
  • Connection default transaction isolation level configuration was fixed
  • Driver version selector was fixed (MacOS)
  • Apache Hive/Spark/Impala:
    • Table data edit support was added
    • Table/view source reading was implemented
    • Driver version was upgraded (2.6.5)
  • Firebird: table columns rename/reorder/edit is now supported
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Indexes predicate support was added
    • Domain data types (timestamp) resolve was fixed
  • Oracle 11: NULL timestamp bug was fixed
  • Clickhouse: driver config was fixed (catalogs)
  • SQL Server: native driver version upgrade (7.0.0)
  • Generic driver connection page UI was fixed (long URLs problem)
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.2.1

Release notes:

  • SQL editor: highlighting all occurrences of selected word (configurable)
  • DBeaver extensions installer was improved: admin permissions are not required any more
  • Color Theme extension support was added including Solarized Dark/Light themes
  • Problem with upgrade from DBeaver 3.x was fixed
  • Server session manager was improved:
    • UI was redesigned
    • Session manager is now present in Tools menu
    • “Explain execution plan” tab was added
    • Long operations panel was added
    • Oracle: many additional session properties were added
  • RPM package was fixed (with newer RPM packager)
  • Data transfer: option “Selected columns/rows only” were fixed
  • “Read data in SQL console” behaviour was fixed (use SQL scripts instead of console)
  • Extra commands were added to Database navigator context menu: for data edit, ERD, etc
  • Grouping panel was improved: default ordering, duplicates finder, SQL Server syntax support
  • UI for the connection selection dialog was improved
  • Procedures editor was fixed (Generic driver)
  • Results viewer:
    • Columns widths resize issue was fixed
    • Row deletion for custom SQL without unique key was fixed
  • SQL Editor:
    • Paste from source code
    • formatting was improved (line feeds)
    • SQL indentation was fixed (DDL statements)
    • Formatter preferences page was redesigned
    • SQL Workbench formatter was added
  • ERD editor: note delete command was fixed
  • Generic connections (Impala and some others) create was fixed (buttons enablement)
  • Oracle: “Connections has timed out” error was fixed
  • SQL Server: IPv6 hosts support was added
  • Vertica: tables metadata reading performance was greatly increased
  • PostgreSQL: generic (Legacy) driver metadata reading was fixed
  • Redshift/PostgreSQL: array data types support was improved (NULL arrays)
  • Added localization for many UI strings
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.2

Long waited major release. There are lots of bug fixes and improvements.

  • New connection wizard was significantly simplified
  • Database navigator now loads long table lists by segments (configurable)
  • Problem with data transfer wizard and connection wizard auto-resize was fixed
  • Results viewer:
    • Show error when cell value can’t be read from a database (instead of NULL)
    • Plaintext renderer was fixed (NULL values render)
    • Actions enable/disable state was fixed
    • Export to Excel now respects filters and orderings
  • Mock data:
    • Wizard was fixed (error with missing native client)
    • Batch size configuration was added
    • UUID data type support was added
    • String generator was fixed
  • CSV import:
    • Column mappings were fixed
    • Support literal for NULL mark
  • SQL editor:
    • Problem with procedures/views editor cursor reset on save was fixed
    • SQL formatter was fixed (spaces after brackets)
    • Completion of fully-qualified names was fixed
    • Error position highlight was improved
  • Long LOB values editor fix
  • New version check dialog can be suppressed for a particular version
  • ERD: show table/constraint comments
  • CockroachDB extension was added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Active database switch was fixed
    • Native client selector was fixed. Binaries were upgraded to PG 10.5 version.
    • Improved support of PostgreSQL 7.x and 8.x
    • Allow to select directory in restore wizard
  • MySQL:
    • Problem with zeroDatetimeBehavior property was fixed
    • Duration data type support
  • Elasticsearch: driver version updated to 6.4
  • Redshift:
    • Native Redshift table DDL generator was added
    • Driver version update to 1.2.16 (now use Maven artifact)
  • SQLite: custom unique key editor was fixed
  • Vertica: SELECT INTO limit problem was fixed
  • H2: schema browser was fixed
  • MSSQL and Generic driver: support filters for procedures/packages
  • Misc minor UI problems were fixed
Posted in Releases