DBeaver 6.2.5

  • Problem with context menu was fixed (on Linux)
  • Problem with mixed global/connection settings was fixed
  • SSH: “jump” server support was added (thanks to bsv798)
  • Data editor:
    • Vertical and horizontal scroll position is now saved between data refresh/filter
    • Smooth scroll mode is now the default mode (and configurable)
    • Large json loading performance was improved
    • Ordering by unnamed columns was fixed
    • Grouping panel refresh was fixed
    • Data export/copy as: use the same connection by default
  • Object editor: property change and object rename was fixed (right order of DDL queries)
  • SQL editor: CASE/WHEN formatting was fixed
  • Oracle: data type editor UI was fixed
  • MySQL: events DDL was fixed (interval)
  • PostgreSQL: array-based domain data types handle was fixed
  • SQL Server: synonyms search was added
  • HANA: table column create was fixed
  • Greenplum 6+: table DDL (distribution) was fixed
  • Full-text search dialog render was fixed
  • Application startup speed was improved
  • Several rendering glitches on HighDPI screens were fixed
  • Many other minor UI fixes
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DBeaver 6.2.4

  • SQL editor:
    • Select row count from custom query was fixed (ORDER BY now allowed)
    • Parameters/variable binding was fixed
    • Export from query with parameters was fixed
    • Number of improvements in intellisense algorithms
  • Data viewer:
    • Smooth scrolling mode was added
    • Number of fixes in floating point numbers handling
    • Option for short/fully qualified table names in SQL script was added
    • Grid state save/restore (after ordering/filter apply) was fixed
    • Tabs pin + drag-n-drop behavior was fixed
  • Tables navigation was fixed (filter value refresh)
  • Query manager: query ordering/refresh was fixed
  • ERD: problem with broken layout after config change was fixed
  • CSV export: row separator config was added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • $$ delimiters handle was fixed
    • Function parameters default value reading was fixed
  • Oracle: table column comments save was fixed
  • SQL Server: functions and synonyms support was added in object search
  • Java version in Windows ad MacOS installers was upgraded to OpenJDK 11.0.5
  • A lot of other minor UI fixes
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DBeaver 6.2.3

  • SQL Editor: parameters binding dialog improvements (value preview)
  • Data viewer:
    • Result tabs drag-n-drop support was added
    • Spatial data viewer was fixed (tooltips generator)
  • Task editor: add/remove tables for existing task was fixed
  • Virtual foreign keys support was fixed (table rename support)
  • Oracle: Q-style quoting support was added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Foreign Data Wrappers configurator wizard was added
    • $$-quote support was fixed
    • Dependencies info reading was fixed (PG12)
    • Function signature generator was fixed (FQ type names)
  • MySQL: column autoincrement flag editor was fixed
  • Elasticsearch: driver version was updated
  • Windows: app crash problem was fixed
  • MacOS: app notarization added for all distributions
  • Eclipse plugin: create .dbeaver folder on demand
  • A lot of minor UI fixes
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DBeaver 6.2.2

  • Task management: now all data transfer operations (export/import) can be saved as tasks:
    • New task management view
    • Running saved tasks in two clicks
    • Task execution logs
  • Data transfer:
    • Output file names were fixed
    • Previous wizard settings save was fixed
    • Many minor improvements
  • Virtual table columns:
    • Supported for all tables and views
    • Supports expressions, math functions and geometry transformation functions
  • Virtual foreign keys config save/copy was fixed
  • Data viewer:
    • Hex viewer was added for string content
    • Long CLOB text viewer was fixed
    • Filter dialog was fixed (orderings, distinct value reading)
  • SQL editor: parameters binding was improved:
    • Show dialog before script execution
    • Show current query text
  • Object editor: new command for expensive properties (row count) reading
  • new extension developed (thanks to @kai-morich):
    • Driver auto-download
    • Sequences, synonyms, triggers
    • SQL execution plan
    • Object searcher
  • H2GIS: spatial data viewer was added
  • Redshift: stored procedures support was added
  • Yellowbrick: driver config was fixed for better performance
  • Oracle: view column comments edit support was added
  • A lot of minor UI fixes
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DBeaver 6.2.1

Release notes:

  • Data viewer:
    • Spatial (GIS) presentation improved (tooltips, different shape colors for different columns)
    • JSON render performance was significantly improved
    • XML value viewer was fixed (proper error handle)
    • XML auto-formatting was fixed (extra whitespaces)
    • Context menu “Navigate” was added (returned)
    • Floating numbers representation was fixed (exponential view)
    • Columns transformation settings dialog was fixed
  • SQL Editor: update row count calculation was fixed
  • MySQL: date/time formatting was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: 3D geometry columns render was fixed
  • SQL Server: problem with identifiers with “go” characters was fixed
  • Oracle: SQL parser was fixed (CASE WHEN ELSE END)
  • Connection settings:
    • Load multiple data-sources*.json files
    • Respect preference changes (timeouts and other) in “Test Connection” dialog.
    • Project export/import wizard was fixed
  • Database metadata search wizard was fixed
  • New database drivers:
    • H2GIS
    • Kognitio
    • Opendistro (Elasticsearch)
  • A lot of other minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.2

  • Data viewer:
    • JSON highlighting/formatting was added
    • Select/deselect rows with alt+click was improved
    • Reference panel now supports virtual foreign keys
    • “Set to default value” action was fixed (for timestamp columns)
    • Dictionary read was fixed
  • ERD:
    • Table/schema diagram edit is now supported
    • Virtual foreign keys support was added
  • Database navigator:
    • Transactions tracking was improved (+now commit/rollback actions are always active)
    • Cross-project connections copy-paste and drag-n-drop was fixed
    • Navigator tree state save (and restore on restart) was added (thanks to loro2)
    • Columns reordering was fixed
    • Global filters configuration was fixed
    • Connection permissions are now supported in connection type (prod, dev, test)
  • SQL editor:
    • Query execution time logging was fixed
    • Generate SQL dialog was improved (FQ names, copy to clipboard)
    • Script selector panel UI was fixed
    • Variables binding now can be skipped for a query/script
    • JDBC fetch size now set for custom SQL queries
  • Data export now reuses SQL editor connection
  • Metadata editor: columns drop was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • NVARCHAR/NCHAR length calculation was fixed
    • Column default value edit support was added
    • DDL for TEXT/NTEXT data types was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Driver now uses URL template (by default)
    • Column comments for new tables now saved properly
  • SQL Server Data Warehouse support was added
  • MySQL: bit stream data type support was fixed
  • CockroachDB: table metadata read was fixed
  • Apache Derby driver was upgraded
  • Teradata: multiple resultsets support was added
  • Test connection dialog was redesigned
  • Driver libraries cache was fixed (re-download of Maven artifacts)
  • Widows registry reading was fixed (Java 8 compatibility)
  • Many other minor bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.1.5

  • Data viewer:
    • Virtual primary/foreign keys editors were enhanced
    • Problem with filters on data refresh was fixed
    • Added confirmation dialog before opened result tabs closing
    • Problem with missing updated row count (in script mode) was fixed
    • References panel now remembers last FK/reference selection
    • Value view panel now supports Find/Replace
    • Float values rendering was fixed (numbers rounding is disabled by default)
  • Data transfer:
    • Save of previous target container selections was added
    • Export of tables/queries with complex data types (structs, objects) was improved
  • Connection management:
    • Connection permissions config was added (restrictions of data/metadata changes for a particular connection or connection type)
    • Problem with bootstrap queries and auto-commit state save/load was fixed
    • Multi-project support was improved (use selected project for new connections)
    • Support of empty database passwords was added
    • Copy/paste and drag-n-drop connections between different projects was fixed
  • Database navigator:
    • Default double-click behavior configuration was added (view properties/data/erd)
    • Object edit dialogs are properly sized now (problem with too small dialog window was fixed)
    • Connection type coloring in the main toolbar is back
    • DBeaver toolbars visibility was fixed (for Eclipse plugin version)
  • New DBeaver version automatic downloading (optional) was added
  • MySQL:
    • Datetime columns edit was fixed. Problems with timezone were fixed.
    • Legacy MySQL <4 driver was added (again)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Automatic transaction error recovery was added (famous “current transaction is aborted” error)
    • Partition management was added (partition create/drop)
    • Support of VACUUM tool for older PG version was fixed
    • Enum items order was fixed (in metadata editor)
    • Legacy PostgreSQL <= 8 driver was added
  • SQL Server: index DDL was improved (now it contains all index properties)
  • Redshift: table DDL generation was fixed (“diststyle AUTO” and other improvements)
  • Hive: struct/array data types support was added
  • Presto: array data types support was fixed
  • DB2 i: routine list reading was fixed
  • We have migrated to the Eclipse 2019-06 platform (fixes many minor UI bugs on Linux)
  • Many other minor bugs were fixed
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DBeaver 6.1.4

  • Many problems with workspace migration were fixed
  • Data viewer:
    • UI look and feel was significantly improved
    • New interface for rows/columns coloring
    • Logical foreign key creation was simplified
    • Many bugs were fixed in References panel rendering
    • Column filters UI was fixed (dups, dictionary reading errors)
    • Unique key detection was fixed (use indexes with nullable columns if no other identifiers found)
  • Entiy diagrams: logical foreign keys can be created/deleted right in the diagram editor
  • Data transfer: auto-generated (identity) columns handler was added
  • DDL generation: now we generate tables DDL according to their foreign keys order
  • Geometry viewer: simple (flat) geometry support was added
  • Execution log: reading of row count for DML statements was fixed
  • SQL Editor:
    • SQL formatter was fixed (DECLARE statements)
    • Copy SQL to Java code was improved (thanks to loro2)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Array data type handler was fixed
    • Indexes metadata reading was fixed
    • Execution plan visualization was fixed for CTE nodes
  • SQL Server:
    • Support of identity columns creation was added
    • Session manager was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Scheduled jobs metadata reading was fixed
    • Session management was fixed for RAC mode
  • Firebird: views and indexes metadata reading was fixed
  • Apache Hive: many bugfixes related to complex (struct/array) data types handling
  • Apache Drill: driver was fixed (missing JDK modules were added)
  • Many other minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.1.3

  • New project configuration format was implemented. Main advantages:
    • Better security (now we keep user credentials separately)
    • Better support for version control systems (e.g. Git)
    • Now we use standard (OS-specific) directories for configuration location
  • Major features:
    • Logical foreign keys
    • Data viewer: “References” panel was added (browse values by foreign and reference keys)
    • Network profiles support was added: you may configure SSH/Proxy settings once and reuse them for any number of connections
  • Other:
    • Connection page was redesigned
    • Data viewer filter panel UI was improved
    • Snowflake: procedures DDL, connection page fix
    • Google Spanned database support was added
    • PostgreSQL: struct/array data types support was fixed
    • MySQL: privileges viewer was fixed (global privileges grant/revoke)
    • DB2 i: procedure list and DDL reading was fixed
    • Many minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.1.2

  • Git integration:
    • Create projects in remote repositories
    • Pull/commit/push automation from the DBeaver perspective
    • Integrate existing projectys with Git repositories
  • Problem with SSH and SSL connections was solved
  • Problem with missing legacy character encoding was fixed
  • Data editor:
    • “Delete cascade” feature was added
    • Problem with column order was fixed (when result contains multiple columns with the same name)
    • Problem with duplicated values in column filters was fixed
    • “Default” values were added for numbers, strings and booleans
  • Data transfer:
    • Export to a single file was fixed
    • TXT format: extra options were added
    • CSV import: timestamp columns parser was fixed
  • PostgeSQL:
    • Extensions management was added
    • Partitions DDL was added
    • Partitions create/drop support was added
    • Object description reading was fixed (+ problem with duplicated objects was solved)
    • Complex data types rendering was fixed
    • float4 data type support was fixed (wrong value render)
  • Greenplum: ERD renderer was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Problem with read-only tables was fixed (for some Oracle versions)
    • View management: problem with semicolons was fixed
  • DB2 for iSeries:
    • Procedures DDL was added
    • Problem with schema list reading was fixed
  • Generic driver (SQLite and others): problem with view create command was fixed
  • Plenty of minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases