DBeaver 7.2.1

  • Preference pages structure was reorganized (in the standalone and plugin versions)
  • Database navigator:
    • Filters now support masks escape (_ and % characters)
    • Connection state icons were replaced and adapted to dark themes
  • SQL Editor: editor tab title now can include active database/schema name
  • MySQL: driver “MySQL 8” is now the default driver. “MySQL 5” driver can be used for older server versions.
  • Oracle: tables/views load performance was improved on some systems
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Latest PostGIS driver mapping was added
    • Geometry data types export was improved (proper SQL format + SRID)
    • Hidden databases can be loaded in the database navigater
  • CockroarchDB: role manager was fixed
  • DB2: runstats utility support was fixed (wrong syntax)
  • SQL Server: extra T-SQL dialect keywords were added
  • CUBRID driver configuration was fixed
  • Several UI freeze issues were fixed (deadlocks)
  • Import from CSV/XLSX:
    • Wrong rows can be skipped (with disabled “Batch import” option)
    • Import parameters documentation was updated
  • Several minor bugs were fixed (NPE and UI glitches)
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DBeaver 7.2

Major changes since 7.1:

  • Simplified database structure view was added
  • Database maintenance tools can be saved as tasks now
  • Table and schema size statistics were added in the database navigator
  • Import from multiple CSV files was added. Files can be imported into new or existing tables
  • Many problems with UI freeze on disconnect or query cancel were fixed
  • Database navigator rendering was redesigned
  • A number of problems with keyboard shortcuts were fixed
  • Git integration was improved: now we show file status in the Project Explorer view
  • New database drivers were added: YugabyteDB and SQreamDB

Changes since 7.1.5:

  • Problem with database list load was fixed (PostgreSQL, Redshift, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)
  • Metadata editor: edit property form rendering was improved (non-applicable fields are hidden)
  • Performance for table statistics reading was improved
  • Data viewer:
    • Column ordering was fixed (for custom SQL queries)
    • UUID transform: version 2 support was added
  • Default database name and default user name were added for many database drivers
  • Data export: custom data type formatting support was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Cursor fetch was fixed
    • Native client was upgraded to version 12
    • Table OID support was fixed (PG 12)
    • PgPass parser was improved (support for escaped characters was added)
  • Oracle:
    • Materialized view comment editor was fixed
    • View definition reading was fixed (for non-DBA users)
    • Table reading now uses DBA views (optional)
    • Profile resources metadata reading was fixed
  • MariaDB/MySQL: table column resolving was fixed
  • CockroachDB: connectivity problem was fixed
  • Greenplum:
    • Metadata search was fixed (for procedures)
    • Table metadata reading was fixed
  • Dark theme support was improved (tab folders, toolbars)
  • A large number of minor UI bugfixes
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DBeaver 7.1.5

  • Data transfer:
    • Import from multiple CSV files was added
    • Import from files into new tables
    • Data import preview dialog was added
    • Target table create/alter DDL now supports database-specific options
    • Virtual columns are ignored in SQL INSERTs export
    • Problem with data transfer wizard and Darkest Dark theme was fixed
    • Problem with timestamp format for CSV/XLSX export was fixed
    • Case sensitive table/column names resolution was fixed
  • Database navigator:
    • Statistics render was fixed for MacOS and Linux
    • Database size statistics was added for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2
  • Team work:
    • Problem with empty Git Repositories view was fixed
    • Git integration was added in project navigator view
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Native client version was upgraded to version 12 (Windows)
    • Check constraints read was fixed (PG 12+)
    • SQL results limit was fixed (for queries with LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH clauses)
    • Object DDL generator was improved (comments, permissions)
    • Support of case insensitive full-text search was added
    • Table partitions statistics was added
  • Oracle:
    • TNS names search was fixed
    • Connection info was fixed for TNS/custom URL connections
    • Variables are now supported in custom JDBC URL (thanks to @insightfuls)
  • MysQL:
    • Problem with check constraints read was fixed
    • Table copy was fixed (bug with redundant indexes was resolved)
  • Redshift: problem with read-only resultsets was fixed
  • Snowflake: SQL dialect support was fixed ($$ comments)
  • A large number of minor UI improvements and bugfixes
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DBeaver 7.1.4

  • Database navigator:
    • Connection status icons and tooltips were redesigned
    • Icon decorations added for Git-integrated projects
    • Navigator view options were added in the context menu
    • Simple view support was improved (redundant objects removed from the navigator tree)
    • Icons for “Create new objects” action were fixed
  • Data editor:
    • Unique key detection was fixed (for data editor)
    • Advanced paste of multiple rows was fixed (redundant rows create was removed)
    • Column filter dialog move/resize was fixed on Linux
    • Grid data rendering performance was improved
    • Auto-complete of column names was fixed in the filter panel
  • SQL editor:
    • Search/replace/undio/redo shortcuts were fixed in embedded editors (view/procedure sources)
    • Parameter binding was fixed for multiple occurrences of the same parameter
    • Smart commit mode behavior was fixed for PostgreSQL (post-error transaction recovery)
    • Delete indent with single backspace was enabled by default
    • Server log panel now works for data modification triggers
    • Extract query from source code now shows notification popup
    • Multiple queries execution is now allowed (in separate tabs)
  • ERD editor: extra coloring was added for multi-schema diagrams
  • Oracle:
    • Metadata read performance was increased (Tables, materialized views)
    • Columns and constraints were added in materialized view editor
    • Numeric data type precision read was fixed
    • Support of implicit cursors in query results was added
    • View DDL reading was improved (view comments are included in DDL)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Default schema detection and search_path overwrite was fixed
    • Multi-dimension arrays support was added
    • Table DDL for inherited tables was fixed
  • MySQL:
    • Active database change in read-only connections was fixed
    • CHECK constraints support was added
    • Table copy operation was fixed
    • User password management was improved (to avoid FLUSH PRIVILEGES)
  • Sybase:
    • Support of text editing in views was added
    • Schema indexes reading was fixed
    • New table columns create was fixed
  • CockroachDB: direct table data edit support was fixed
  • HSQLDB: UUID data type support was added
  • Query cancelling was improved (force cancel for hanging connections)
  • Transaction isolation level settings save was fixed
  • Error and debug logging was fixed
  • A large number of minor UI improvements and bugfixes
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DBeaver 7.1.3

Midsummer release. Vacation time

  • Spatial presentation: tooltips rendering was fixed
  • DB2: UI tools were converted into database tasks
  • MySQL/MariaDB: database restore was fixed (binary data corruption)
  • PostgreSQL: data type DDL was improved + comment edit support was added
  • Oracle: problem with connect as SYSDBA was fixed
  • Exasol: (thaks to @Sargul)
    • Database error type discovery was added (proper handle of “connection lost” errors)
    • Metadata read performance was improved
  • Googlee Spanner: official driver configuration was added (thanks to @olavloite)
  • Simple view mode was fixed (redundant database objects were hidden)
  • Proxy configuration UI was fixed
  • MacOS installer was fixed (potential vulnerability was removed, thanks to @De4dCr0w)
  • Tasks management: error handing was improved (for deleted tables)
  • We reverted to Eeclipse 2020-03 platform (it resolves a set of UI glitches on some platforms)
  • A few minor UI and database-specific bugs were fixed
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DBeaver 7.1.2

  • Data viewer:
    • Now we refresh entire row after cell value update (handy if you have triggers)
    • Generate SQL context menu was fixed
    • Horizontal scroll with mouse wheel support was added
    • Export data in source code (PHP arrays) format was added
    • Bug with Ctrl+Backspace handler was fixed
  • SQL Editor:
    • Query cancel handler was improved (problem with UI stuck was fixed)
    • Now we show query information in the result tab tooltip
    • Query parser was fixed (active query extraction for Ctrl+Enter action)
    • Template variables (${word_selection} and ${line_selection}) support was fixed
  • Navigator:
    • Icons for “Create object” actions were fixed
    • Main menu File items were reordered
    • Heading and trailing spaces trim was added to all edit dialogs/panels
  • Session manager: problem with multiple windows was fixed
  • SQL Server: Database tools (index rebuild, triggers disable) were redesigned
  • Firebird: new table and table column creation was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: Table partition DDL was fixed
  • MySQL: CHECK constraints edit support was added
  • Oracle:
    • Table statistics read was fixed
    • Schema indexes folder was added
    • Check constraints editor was added
    • Trigger status icon was fixed
  • Exasol: (thanks to @Sargul)
    • Metadata read performance was improved
    • Metadata search support was added
    • Table references
    • Index create DDL was fixed
    • Table statistics read performance was improved
  • Redshift: driver download was fixed
  • SQreamDB driver was added
  • YugabyteDB driver was added
  • We upgraded Eclipse platform version to 2020-06. It affects dark theme and General preferences and fixes several minor bugs
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DBeaver 7.1.1

  • Database navigator:
    • Connection type highlighting was redesigned
    • Simple view support was improved
    • “Force object refresh on editor open” action was fixed
    • Main toolbar UIX was improved (no disabled selectors)
    • Database tools context menu was fixed
  • Table statistics:
    • Rendering problems (redraw on scrolling) were fixed
    • Performance problems were fixed
    • SQL Server support was added
  • Data viewer:
    • Wrong value extraction was fixed for expression aliases which conflict with table column names
    • Dictionary values separator configuration was added
    • Row coloring: support of gradient coloring for read-only columns was added
    • Data formatter:
      • Action “reset to default” was fixed in preferences
      • Preference changes are immediately applied to open data editors
  • SQL editor:
    • Results tab rename was fixed (now we save tab title between results refresh)
    • Parser of multiple SQL queries on a single line was fixed
    • Execution plan explain operation cancel was implemented
    • Coloring of numbers in scientific notation was fixed
    • Paste from source code: \n and \r characters handle was fixed (now we use proper line feeds)
    • Stored procedures call generation was fixed
  • Object editor: “reject changes” and command undo/redo command were fixed
  • Data import: open target table on finish
  • Data migration: DDL generation was improved (apply the same column data type when source and target databases use the same driver)
  • Database tasks: PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle tools now can be saved as tasks
  • SSH configurator: UI controls layout was fixed
  • Database driver edit dialog was fixed (legacy driver option is disabled by default)
  • MySQL:
    • User permission management was fixed (FLUSH PRIVILEGES is not needed for newer server versions)
    • Unsigned INT and BIGINT data types support was added
  • Oracle:
    • Numeric data type modifiers (scale/precision) rendering was fixed
    • Materialized views read/create and delete was fixed (mviews were removed from table list)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Vacuum tool was improved (run in auto-commit mode)
    • List of reserved keywords was updated
  • Redshift: View with no schema binding support was added
  • SQL Server: timestamp columns were marked as auto-generated
  • Big number of minor UI and database-specific bugs were fixed
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DBeaver 7.1.0

  • Database navigator:
    • Statistics view (table sizes) was added
    • Connection coloring was redesigned
    • Connection host name tip was added
  • Data viewer:
    • Ref cursor panel viewer was added
    • Columns sort settings save/load was added
    • Data export in HTML format was fixed (styles)
  • SQL editor:
    • Function call formatting was improved
    • Table alias generation was fixed (for unicode/numeric table names)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Ref cursors refresh support was added
    • Table and schema statistics was added
    • Table comment and rules were added to DDL
  • Oracle:
    • Metadata search was fixed
    • Java source read was fixed
  • ODBC driver download was fixed
  • Exasol: metadata edit dialogs were redesigned
  • Clickhouse: table statistics was added
  • Firebird: view editor was fixed
  • Plain HTTP driver repositories (Maven or direct links) were replaced or removed
  • Big number of minor UI and database-specific bugs were fixed
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DBeaver 7.0.5

  • Data viewer:
    • Pin (aka “freeze”) column feature was added
    • Float (32bit) data type render was fixed (MySQL)
    • Plaintext renderer was fixed (binary values representation)
    • Filter value auto-complete was fixed (clipboard paste support)
    • Issue with “order by table column + column alias” was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • Script close prompt was fixed
    • Hyperlinks now contain procedure parameters
    • Script selector panel positioning was fixed
    • Execute in new tab: new tabs opening was fixed
    • SQL format preferences page was improved
    • SQL formatting was fixed (line feeds after brackets)
    • SQL console title was fixed (source object name was added)
  • Non-https Maven repositories and driver links were removed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Added parameters to the SQL execution plan explain (ANALYSE is optional)
    • Database backup was fixed on Linux/MacOS (proper table names quoting)
    • Table DDL was fixed (show table comment)
    • Sequence DDL was fixed (START parameter)
    • Object dependencies now contain links on dependent/depending object
    • Permission/role editors were fixed (roles are sorted by name now)
    • SQL auto-completion fixed for older PG (<= 8.4)
  • Oracle: unique key detection was fixed
  • DB2:
    • FOR BIT DATA columns support was fixed (show value as binary)
    • Native SQL dialect support was improved (BEGIN/END)
  • SQLite: ROWID pseudo-column support was added (as unique key)
  • Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
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DBeaver 7.0.4

  • SQL editor:
    • Format now formats active query by default
    • Matching brackets highlighting was improved
  • Data viewer:
    • Find/replace highlighting and scrolling was fixed
    • Data filter save was fixed (problem with quoted column names)
    • Auto-completion in data filter now can be disabled
  • Object editor: refresh button in bottom toolbar was unified for all pages
  • Dark theme support improved (connection type colors)
  • New connection wizard was fixed (problem with quick driver selector)
  • Driver editor dialog was improved:
    • Extra properties save was fixed
    • Legacy drivers support was added
  • Git extension packaging was fixed (older Eclipse versions support)
  • Derby: new database create was fixed
  • Firebird: system objects hide/show was fixed (determine system flag from fro meta table)
  • MySQL:
    • Read-only connections support was fixed (SQL editors)
    • Query execution plan explain was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Driver configuration was fixed (typo in Maven artifact name)
    • Java classes source viewer was added
    • Materialized view DDL read was fixed
    • PL/SQL parser was fixed (CASE/WHEN/END)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • search_path update was fixed
    • Numeric values rendering was fixed
  • Redshift: SOCKS proxy support was fixed
  • SQL Server: table DDL generation was fixed (column type names)
  • SQLite: foreign key metadata read was fixed (FKs with no name)
  • Portuguese (BR) localization was added (thanks to @wellesximenes)
  • Many minor bug fixes and improvements
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