DBeaver 23.0

Changes since 22.3.5:

  • SQL editor:
    • Column metadata resolution was fixed for quoted column names
    • SQL console now respects “open separate connection” option
    • Variables resolve in @set and other commands was fixed
    • Copy/paste command was fixed for editors without associated connection
  • Data editor:
    • Spatial viewer: lasso tool was fixed for Safari browser
    • Support of WKT format stored in BLOB columns was added
    • Issues with image viewer and BLOB columns was fixed (NullPointer error))
    • Selected columns/rows data export was fixed (issue with BLOB value turning into NULL in UI)
  • Accessibility:
    • Font settings are now respected in all editors/popups
    • New keyboard shortcuts schema was added “DBeaver Keyboard Only”
    • Many new keyboard shortcuts were added
    • Catalog/schema selector now supports keyboard only mode
    • Results tab pin/unpin command is now accessible from keyboard (thanks to @hawthorne3341)
    • Reader texts were localized
  • Database dashboard create wizard UI was fixed
  • Generate SQL dialog now supports connection invalidation
  • Clickhouse: driver version was updated to 0.4.1
  • Dremio: driver version was updated to 24.0
  • Firebird: table colum comments support was added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Issue with URL-based connections was resolved (invalid host name)
    • Execution plan parameters are now saved
  • Redshift: varbyte datatype suport was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • UI for Kerberos authentication configuration was fixed
    • Table colum comments support was added
  • French localization was fixed (thanks to @alexgille)
  • Problems with Kerberos were resolved (we have reverted to Java 11)
Posted in Releases