Brief changelist:
- Results editor: zoom in/zoom out support
- Stored procedures results visualization fix
- Active database/schema switcher was fixed
- Bootstrap queries processing was fixed (prepared statement)
- Command line parameters processing was fixed
- Views/triggers create/edit was fixed
- Metadata compare: compare views source
- Running queries in background: UI freeze fix
- Results viewer: columns width configuration
- Installers icons/splash screen were updated
- Chinese localization additions (-nl zh)
- Connection invalidate command was fixed
- SQL generation was improved (FQ names config for DDL)
- Oracle: PL/SQL blocks parser was fixed
- Oracle: FLOAT (NUMBER) data type edit was fixed
- MySQL: extra options in database dump wizard
- MySQL: database charset/collation edit
- DB2: show aliases in SQL auto-completion
- PostgreSQL: permissions panel was redesigned
- SQLite: data types properties
- Misc UI fixes
Note: we have re-registered all certificates to the Rider Soft LTD company. Windows executables are signed with the Symantec Code-Sign certificate. Windows 10 may warn about this certificate during one or two weeks – that’s ok.