DBeaver 4.2.1


  • SQL editor: FK navigation was improved (open reference in new tab)
  • SQL editor: code folding was added
  • SQL editor: morph delimited text feature
  • SQL editor: SQL formatting was fixed (Oracle)
  • SQL editor: autocompletion was fixed (databases without schemas)
  • ERD: diagram rendering/nodes selection was fixed
  • ERD: export to SVG format was fixed
  • XML editor: code folding was added
  • Results viewer: CLOB reading was improved
  • Results viewer: connection name in status bar (optional)
  • Results viewer: copy column names action was fixed
  • Results viewer: complex types (structs, arrays, objects) rendering is now configurable
  • Data edit: big decimal values binding was fixed
  • Metadata editor: remember editor tab sizes
  • Database navigator: double-click behavior is now configurable (expand by default)
  • Database navigator: column data types are visible in tree (optional)
  • Bootstrap queries can use local variables
  • Connections config file loading was fixed (make force refresh)
  • Error handling: extract SQL error chain on client-side
  • MySQL: DDL read was fixed (non-English identifiers/comments)
  • MySQL: default driver version was changed to 5.1.44
  • PostgreSQL: database create/drop support was added
  • PostgreSQL: LIMIT/OFFSET support (for big tables export)
  • PostgreSQL: default generic driver version was changed to 9.4.1212
  • PostgreSQL: block statements processing was fixed
  • FireBird: domain types support (read-only)
  • SQLite: full table DDL (with indexes) support
  • Hive: query limits config was changed
  • Number of minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases