- SQL editor:
- Autocomplete of variables with prefix @ was fixed
- Problem with columns aliases in grouping panel was resolved
- SQL console text now can be saved as project script
- Data editor:
- Collection string representation was improved
- Problem with data read performance was fixed
- Data transfer:
- Target table properties (such as engine, charset, etc) were added in import wizard
- CSV import was fixed for files with invalid value quotation
- Import from string to geometry columns was fixed
- Issue in full text search wizard (NullPointer) was resolved
- General UI: tab quick search was improved (find by substring, fuzzy search)
- Connections: multiple connection mode was disabled for non-relational databases
- Azure SQL: driver version was upgraded, problem with auth token refresh was resolved
- Clickhouse:
- Table engine and engine parameters (editable) were added to table properties
- View code editor was fixed
- DB2: dependent views can be excluded from table DDL
- Oracle:
- DDL tab was added tp scheduler jobs
- New table column properties was fixed
- Issue with Debian installer was resolved (configuration files mark removed)
- Data editor:
- Arrays and structure data types visualization was fixed and improved
- Console-like query results viewer was added
- Support of column aliases in aggregate panel was fixed
- Dictionary panel now supports pagination
- Pinned columns scrolling was fixed (thanks to @troizet)
- Binary/hex data viewer was fixed (crash on MacOS)
- Major memory leaks in string editor panel were eliminated
- SQL editor:
- Parameters binding for DDL queries was fixed
- Query error highlighting was improved (+now it can be disabled)
- Query formatter was fixed (for identifiers starting from digit)
- Compact formatter was improved
- Issue with auto-completion of materialized view create/alter queries was fixed
- Data transfer:
- Target file name generation for custom SQL queries was fixed
- Settings save/load was fixed for saved tasks
- General improvements:
- Dummy error messages after saving preferences were eliminated
- UI was improved for non-applicable columns in metadata editor
- Issue with main window minimize was fixed on MacOS
- Many minor ui bugs were fixed
- Clickhouse: issue with data editor was fixed
- CocroachDB: sequences support was added
- H2: schema sequences read was fixed
- Hive: view source editor was fixed (issue with semicolon)
- Kylin: dialect support was improved
- MySQL, MariaDB: privilege editor UI was improved
- Oracle: VARCHAR2 is now the default string data type
- PostgreSQL: database refresh was fixed (issue with active schema mark)
- Snowflake: issue with BEGIN TRANSACTION query execute was fixed
- SQL Server:
- Table DDL: issue with duplicated index declaration was fixed
- Issue with GO delimiter evaluation was fixed (also for Sybase)
- Database name proposal was fixed
- Execution plan visualization was fixed
- Data viewer:
- Arrays and multi-row data types visualization was added (beta version)
- Excel like behavior for inline editor was added (shift row down, configurable)
- Bug in grouping panel was fixed (“duplicates only” option)
- Inconsistency of NULL value representation in calendar edit control was fixed
- Bug with inline editor activation with double-click was fixed (gtk)
- Bug with inline editor deactivation with single-click was fixed (macos)
- Data transfer:
- Export with “selected columns only” was fixed (wrong column mapping)
- Target DDL generator now checks for existing non-table objects
- Export in SQL INSERT format now uses proper table name for complex custom tables
- Header configuration for CSV and TXT formats was added
- Problem with super-long CSV files import was fixed (row number visualization)
- SQL editor:
- Generate DDL from resultset command was added
- Re-execute queries from execution log was supported
- Schema selector was fixed for databases which don’t support schema change (Sybase, SQL Server)
- Tasks:
- Nested task folders support was added
- Folders rename support was added
- SQL script execute task was fixed (NullPointer error)
- Connections: new connection name pattern now can be customized
- SSH configuration page now has scrollbars on small monitors
- Database full text search: page UI was improved, long lists paging was added
- Metadata editor: columns auto-size command was added to the context menu
- General UI: project configuration load visualization was added
- Clickhouse: enum data types support was added
- Derby: default driver version was set to 10.15 (to avoid Java version problems)
- Netezza:
- Default catalog selection was fixed
- Old drivers support was added (thanks to @rosspb3)
- PostgreSQL:
- Constraints information pre-read option was added
- Enum columns edit support was fixed
- Representation of arrays with NULL elements was fixed
- SQLite: view text edit support was added
- SQL Server:
- DDL for nchar and nvarchar columns was fixed (incorrect length)
- Columns with aliases now can be edited
- Trino: multi-row insert support was added
Changes since 22.0.5:
- General UI:
- Local timezone configuration was added in preferences
- Connection type color now affects SQL editor panels
- Tab selector (CTRL+E) now supports fast/fuzzy search
- Project rename now updates project name in all linked views
- Problem with navigator tree refresh was resolved
- Preference pages now respects font configuration
- Configuration popup positioning was fixed for low-res monitors
- Problem with embedded dropdown editors was resolved (MacOS)
- Problem with application start on some MacOS and Linux installations was fixed
- Read-only connections toggle was redesigned
- “Copy object name” action was added to tab context menu
- Data editor:
- Color by range now supports foreground color customization
- Problem with clob/json popup editors was resolved
- Epoch time transformer now supports 4 more modes (thanks to @nodaki)
- Grouping panel: problem with GROUP BY query generation was fixed for many analytical databases
- Date/time inline editor UI was improved (thanks to @PILINING)
- SQL editor:
- Right click on a script text now changes cursor position
- Part divider element visualization was improved
- Confirmation was added for “Delete this script” action
- Dangerous query execution confirmation configuration was fixed
- DB2: procedure name auto-completion was fixed
- HANA: procedures output parameters fetch was fixed
- Netezza: case-sensitive user names support was added
- Snowflake: database metadata read performance was significantly improved
- Teradata: SQL query limit (TOP) support was added
- Many minor UI bugfixes
- New database driver: Apache Kyuubi
- Data editor:
- Numbers formatting: digit group size option was added
- Problem with unexpected change of timestamp values was fixed
- Smooth scrolling on MacOS was improved (thanks to @Andrew0002)
- Data transfer: XML format export was improved (encoding information)
- SQL editor:
- Results tab reuse behavior was fixed + new config option was added
- Result logging was added for script execute task (thanks to @avandorp)
- Redundant “Problems” view popup was removed
- Keywords highlighting was fixed (problem with identifiers which start with underscore)
- Diagrams:
- Connected entities highlighting was added
- Entities and columns search was improved
- New diagram routing was added
- Problem with unreadable comments was fixed (dark theme)
- Export in SVG and Graphml formats was improved
- Pseudo columns were removed from diagrams
- Diagram re-arrange was fixed
- Many minor bugs were fixed
- Connections:
- Creating connection from JDBC URL was improved
- Opening connection using CLI was improved (extra option -save was added)
- Preference pages: problem with small font size ws resolved
- Linux:
- Problem with workspace load was fixed on some
- Problem with UI freeze in connection type editor was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- SSPI authentication support was added (problem with JNA library conflicts was resolved)
- Read-only connections support was improved (restrict of DML queries)
- Scheduled jobs management was added
- SQL Server:
- External tables metadata read was fixed
- NTLM authentication support was fixed
- Italian localization was improved (thanks to @andreagualandi)
- Chinese localization was improved (thanks to @bianyun1981)
- SQL editor:
- Problem with semicolon on a new line was fixed
- Problem with client-side commands parsing was fixed
- Error highlighting support was improved
- Tabs close/confirmation behavior was improved
- Script with multiple @set commands processing was fixed
- Command for data export automation was added (@export)
- Toggle comment command was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
- SQL script datasource association command was fixed
- Data editor:
- Value filter now shows total number of distinct values
- Search for whole word was fixed
- Custom filter value save was fixed
- Spatial viewer:
- Ability to select spatial objects on map and data grid was added
- Default zoom level option was added
- Data transfer:
- Default data type mapping was improved (especially for char/varchar columns)
- Multi-table transfer now opens all target tables
- Database restore task now requires additional confirmation
- Output folder parameter now supports additional variables
- Import task UI was fixed (problem with lost target tables configuration)
- SQL export format now supports append mode
- Navigator: database selector popup was fixed (null pointer error)
- SSH: problem with connections and corrupted known_hosts file was resolved
- CLI: parameter “create” was fixed for connection opened using -con parameter
- Windows: DBeaver now supports workspaces on network paths (e.g. \\network-share\workspace)
- MacOS: problem with UI freeze after data edit was fixed
- DB2 i: keys and foreign keys metadata read was fixed
- MySQL:
- Generate SQL for geometry data types was fixed
- Permission editor was fixed (problem with duplicated permissions)
- Problem with decimal data types with zerofill flag was fixed
- UPDATE SET replace method was added
- Netezza: table rename SQL was fixed
- Oracle: table partition metadata read was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- Problem with SQL generation and JSONB columns was fixed
- View column edit support was added
- Default driver version was changed to 42.2.25 due to security reasons
- SQLite: connection settings dialog UI was fixed (Open and Create buttons behavior)
- SQL Server:
- Money data type support was fixed
- Connection settings dialog was redesigned
- A lot of minor fixes in application localization
- Data transfer:
- “Append to existing file” feature was improved (for CSV, TXT and XLSX formats)
- Export wizard now loads saved properties on demand
- Export of result set with reordered/hidden columns was fixed
- Export in SQL format: “split on multiple files” now works correctly
- Task execution notification was improved
- SQL script tasks support was fixed (NullPointer error was resolved)
- Export of many tables into a single target table was fixed
- Import from CSV was fixed (problem with null handling was resolved)
- Trim whitespaces option was added for CSV import
- Table columns mapping UI was fixed on MacOS
- SQL editor:
- Error position information was added in error messages
- Query error highlighting was improved
- Database navigator:
- Support of databases with bug number of schemas was improved
- Column grouping now shows number of grouped elements
- Auto-completion was improved in properties editor
- General:
- DBeaver now shows EULA on start (one time)
- Problem with workspaces on network paths was resolved
- Kerberos configuration load was fixed on RHEL
- Apache Phoenix: connectivity problem was fixed by setting proper driver version
- CockroachDB: ROWID columns support was added
- DB2 i:
- Sequences support was added
- View definitions read was implemented
- Unique and check constraints support was added
- Multiple minor improvements in metadata read were added
- Exasol: search in view/procedure source code was implemented
- MySQL: problem with table lock during database dump was fixed
- Oracle: View source code edit was fixed (problem with view comments was resolved)
- PostgreSQL:
- pg_dump and pg_restore version was upgraded (to PG 14)
- Script execute task now shows all script errors
- Snowflake: support of LIMIT for custom SQL queries was added (affects performance)
- Italian localization was significantly improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
- Data editor:
- Option “show whitespaces” was added
- Columns reordering in data filter dialog was fixed
- Line numbers were added to plaintext view
- SQL editor:
- Script error visualization is not configurable
- Block statements (BEGIN, IF, CASE) auto-close was improved
- Auto-completion was fixed for INSERT queries
- “Cancel active query” command was added
- Filtering of aliased columns was fixed
- Problem with DML queries re-execution on connection lost was fixed
- Python source code format was added to Copy As command
- “Hippie” auto-completion was disabled by default (due to performance problems)
- SQL commands parser/navigation was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
- Parameter bindings dialog was disabled for long strings (like $$)
- CASE/WHEN formatting was fixed
- Driver editor:
- Driver description editor was fixed
- Maven artifacts version resolution was improved
- Data transfer: recreate table mapping support was fixed (saved configuration and tasks)
- SSH tunnels: connection timeout/keep-alive parameters change was fixed
- MacOS: problem with application launch was fixed (problem with plist file modification)
- Dark theme: buttons UI now matches OS theme
- Apache Druid, Apache Kylin:
- Table data read was fixed
- Data type properties were fixed
- Indexes read was fixed
- Azure Databricks driver was added
- Clickhouse: array data type editor was implemented
- DB2: query terminator redefine support was added
- H2:
- System views DDL generation was fixed
- Geometry data type rendering in new H2 driver was fixed (thanks to @ebocher)
- MySQL: functions execute was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- Nested arrays editor was implemented
- Functions source code generation was fixed (function signature)
- Portuguese localization was fixed (thanks to @TiagoValdrich)
- Navigator:
- Connection read-only state switcher was added in main toolbar/menu
- Data editor:
- Auto-refresh UI was fixed (stop on error visualization)
- Array data types handling was improved (PostgreSQL, Clickhouse)
- Invalid fractional seconds rendering was fixed
- Filter panel is removed in non applicable presentations
- Number of selected rows calculation was fixed
- Row colors reset option was added
- Edit controls enable state was fixed for plaintext view
- Keyboard shortcuts were fixed in inline date/time editor
- Next segment auto fetch was fixed for specific queries
- Data transfer:
- “Ignore duplicated rows” option was added
- Table mapping “re-create” support was improved
- Skipped columns configuration save was fixed
- SQL editor:
- Data filter injection for custom SQL queries was improved
- Transaction monitor was fixed (amount of statements in a transaction)
- Tasks: task ordering was fixed (folders on top)
- Command line: possibility to specify external variables file was added
- MySQL: indexes edit support was added
- Oracle:
- Sequences DDL tab was added
- Scheduler jobs metadata read was fixed
- Arrays presentation was improved (numbers formatting was fixed)
- Materialized view save was fixed
- PostgreSQL:
- View source editor was fixed (redundant ‘create or replace’ clause was removed)
- Template databases are now visible is specified in connection settings
- Server version < 8 support was improved
- Saved backup/restore tasks UI was fixed
- Redshift: search in procedure definition was fixed
- Vertica:
- Metadata performance was significantly improved
- Table/column comments are now read in lazy mode
Changes since 21.3.5:
Data transfer:
- Table recreate mapping type was added
- Table selector dialog now supports filters configuration
- Variables configuration for data transfer tasks was fixed
- Variables auto-complete was fixed in output file name
- Custom data formatting now applied for TXT export format
- Insert statement now supports DEFAULT clause for empty list of columns
Data editor:
- Row count calculation query was fixed
- Rows scrolling was disabled for data modifying queries
- Problem with editor focus after new row add was fixed
- Column value filter was fixed (wrong SQL query)
SQL editor:
- Parameters binding dialog was improved (multiline editor was added, keyboard shortcuts were fixed)
- Filtering and ordering by columns with aliases was fixed
- Problem with cursor jump to script end was fixed
- Script selector popup was fixed (issue with datasource association)
- Script task execute was fixed (for connections without default database)
DDL generator: option to generate FKs as separate statements was added
Metadata search: search by LIKE pattern was fixed
Session manager UI was fixed (multiline cells on Linux, background color for connection type)
Interface language now can be changed in preferences (for MacOS and Linux installers)
SSH: option to disable host name validation was added
Local clients configuration load was fixed (MySQL and PostgreSQL derived drivers)
Azure SQL server: view definition read was fixed
Clickhouse: read-only connections support was improved
- Driver configuration for version 2.x was added
- Check constraints support was added
- Unique keys support was added
MySQL: new view creation was fixed (DDL)
- Metadata read performance was significantly increased
- Case-sensitive navigator filters support was fixed
Snowflake: custom authentication configuration option was fixed
SQLite: sequences read was fixed
SQL Server: open database object dialog now respects selected database
Italian localization was improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
Many minor UI bugs were fixed
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