DBeaver 1.2.0

DBeaver 1.2.0 major release is ready!
We made a lot of tests during last weeks and it looks quite stable.

Brief (very brief) changelist:

  • Metadata editor. Supports visual edit of:
    • Tables
    • Columns
    • Unique keys
    • Foreign keys
    • Indexes
    • Views (MySQL)
  • Undo/redo in all object editors
  • Imporoved SQL autocompletion
  • A lot of UI updates and bugfixes (especially in Linux/gtk version)

Generic driver uses subset of SQL-92 to manipulate database objects. MySQL driver uses MySQL extensions.
Read additional metadata editor notes in 1.2.0 EA announce .

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How to use DBeaver with “external” database hosting

It happens very often that we do not have direct access to our databases, especially if we are talking about internet hosting.
As a rule due to security reasons hosting provider closes all “non-standard” ports (except HTTP, FTP, SSH and some other). As a result users are forced to use various weird solutions like phpMyAdmin. Poor things…
If you have SSH access to your hosting then you are lucky (just as me).
Here we will talk about how to use SSH tunnels to access our “unaccessible” databases from Windows (I believe most of Unix-guys knows how to use SSH-tunneling).

Read more ›

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Metadata Editor

Finally we have working version of metadata editor.
It allows visual edit of primary relational database entities:

  • Tables
  • Columns
  • Unique keys
  • Foreign keys
  • Indexes

Generic driver uses SQL-92 DDL to manipulate meta objects. MySQL driver uses MySQL extensions.
This is not a release, it is not yet fully tested. You may get working copy from Early Access folder.
It is not recommended to use new features in mission-critical databases. Always check generated SQL script before saving changes.
Stable version of metadata editor will be available in DBeaver 1.2 which will be published in following 2 weeks.
Besides metadata editor this version includes many UI fixes and additions to MySQL plugin (charsets, collations).
You may check for additional metadata editor notes on our forum.

Download Early Access version 1.1.4

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DBeaver 1.1.3

Well here we are again.
We had no any news or other visible activity for a week or so. To be honest, last few days we tried to port DBeaver on GLaDOS. Tried very hard. At last we have no working port but at least we had a lot of fun.

From the other hand we succeded with support of other legacy systems. Here is version 1.1.3 changelist:
– Support of IBM Informix
– Support of SAP/MAX DB
– Support of Cache database
– Driver management was refactored. Now DBeaver ships with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and JTDS drivers. All other drivers could be automatically downloaded on demand.
– SQL scripts import/export
– SQL syntax highlighting/scripts parse fixes
– Identifier escaping fix

Also we updated documentation. Check for FAQ, Roadmap and About pages.

Posted in Releases

DBeaver 1.1.0

We had plans to release new version with metadata editor support, however there were too many changes in UI so we decided to make this intermediate major version. So, here it is – DBeaver 1.1.0.


  • Major redesign of object editor/viewer
  • Context search in editors (in object lists and in ERD)
  • Show row count for tables (configurable, may be disabled to prevent database load)
  • Display child objects in item lists (for complex entities e.g. index/constraint columns)
  • ERD palette redesign (show structure of diagram content)
  • Filtering of database tree depending on element properties (e.g. show only columns for views)
  • Support of running background tasks view/cancel
  • Real progress monitor for editor tasks
  • Accelerators (shortcuts) and main/context menu update
  • Configure of new SQL scripts creation (in the root or in the connection’s folder) + deletion of empty scripts on close
  • Performance improvements (lazy activation of all sub-editors)
  • Icons update in core/generic/mysql plugins
  • Support of read-only datasources
  • DB2 driver: current scheme get/set
  • MSSQL driver: indent columns support
  • Memory leaks fixed in SQL and ERD editors
  • A lot of minor bugfixes and many minor UI changes

Thanks to everyone who sent us bug reports and feature requests, we really appreciate this!

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DBeaver 1.0.5

New stable version 1.0.5 has been released!


  • Custom Entity diagrams (ERD). Now you may create diagram with custom tables (even from different databases), layout entities automatically or manually, create logical references between entities, create descritpion notes, etc. Copy-paste and drag-n-drop are fully supported. Diagrams are saved in new special project folder “Diagrams”.
  • Export ERD to image feature added.
  • Global “New object” wizard added in File menu (in this release it supports Project, Connection and Diagram creation).
  • Driver management was redesigned. Custom JDBC drivers problems are fixed in Linux/Unix versions.
  • A few JDBC problems fixed in Generic plugin (DB2, ODBC bridge, PostgreSQL)

Have a good day and thanks for all feedbacks!

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Community Forum

Out community forum just opened in test mode a couple of days ago. Now it tested and works fine.

You are welcome, please leave any questions, comments, suggestions, bugreports and feature requests in appropriate forums.

We really appreciate any feedbacks. Thanks in advance!

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DBeaver 1.0 released!

Hooray, finally, in the last day of winter we have released!

This version changes:

  • Project configuration import/export (so now you can share your DB configurations with colleagues).
  • 3rd party configuration import added (in this release SQL Squirrel and DBVisualizer are supported)
  • Mimer and HXTT DB engines were tested and added to supported DB list (special thanks to Wolf van Heeswijk). Extra DB configurations added to generic plugin.
  • Debian package is now available as Linux installer
  • Many bugfixes and minor UI fixes

It took about a year of development to create DBeaver from scratch. So today is really a great day for us. Thanks to everyone who helped this project born.

In nearest days we will open discussion forum and issue tracker (Bugzilla) for public access.

Posted in Releases

Release Candidate 2

RC2 is available for download!
General UI
Major new features:

  • Bookmarks – any database objects can be added to bookmarks. Very usefull if you use only a little set of DB objects from a huge database with multiple schemas/tables/etc.
  • Scripts management. Now scripts are saved in special folders so you won’t loose any entered queries after script close. Scripts could be organized in folders.
  • Projects. Connections, scripts and bookmarks could be grouped into projects.

Additionally we have many bugfixes.

DBeaver is now tested under Firebird, Derby, HSQLDB, H2, McKoi, SmallSQL and dBase. Special thanks to Wolf van Heeswijk for testing against rare used database systems

This is the last RC version, next version will be release and it will be available in February 2011

Now we are in feature freeze mode, only bugfixes and minor changes will be added in final release version

Great thanks to everyone who wrote us emails with suggestions and bug reports – it greatly helps us to deliver quality software!

Posted in Releases


DBeaver now have the automatic installer!
It supports program install, uninstall, plugins selection and latest Java RE update.
For now only 32-bit Windows version is available, other versions will be supported in the future.

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