
Important notice:

We decided that DBeaver deserves a second level domain.
So, eventually, the community web site has moved from dbeaver.jkiss.org to dbeaver.io.

All existing links should work fine (they will be just redirected to the same page link on dbeaver.io).

Posted in News

DBeaver 5.0.4

Release notes:

  • Different action icons were fixed (results viewer, SQL editor, file operations)
  • Results viewer: context menu was redesigned (compacted)
  • Results viewer: scrolling shortcuts were changed
  • HighDPI support: composite icons rendering was fixed
  • Data export: SQL INSERT format support for custom SQL queries
  • Mockdata: commands contributions (menu and toolbar) was fixed
  • SQL editor: object search now can search inside object names
  • SQL editor: auto-indent was fixed (identifier replace issue)
  • SQL editor: “to upper case/to lower case” command shortcuts were fixed
  • SQL editor: bold font style configuration
  • Bookmarks drag-n-drop inserts real object name
  • Database objects create: mixed case identifiers support was fixed
  • Database aliases support was added (DB2, Oracle)
  • Diagram viewer: support aliases drag-n-drop
  • Diagram viewer: tables/columns copy action was added, context menu was redesigned
  • Table truncate support (for data transfer, mock data generators, etc)
  • Oracle: default driver version changed to 12.2
  • Oracle: expired passwords change UI
  • Oracle: DROP INDEX was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: permissions reading was redesigned
  • PostgreSQL: table columns permissions view/edit support was added
  • PostgreSQL: create function dialog redesign
  • PostgreSQL: schema DDL support was added
  • PostgreSQL: schema comments edit support was added
  • PostgreSQL: tablespace edit support was added
  • PostgreSQL: constraint indexes support
  • PostgreSQL: default schema change was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: trigger attribute view
  • MySQL: enum columns parser was fixed
  • SQLite: read-only connections support was added
  • Firebird: driver version was updated. 2.x driver was removed.
  • Firebird: SET TERM command evaluation was fixed
  • Vertica: tables, projections and columns comments support was added
  • Clickhouse: metadata read fix
  • Misc minor UI bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.0.3

Release notes:

  • Event notification UI was added (commit/rollback/reconnect events)
  • Results viewer: status bar update fixed (re-layout)
  • Results viewer: filters reset action enablement was fixed
  • Results viewer: ordered UUID transformer was added
  • Results viewer: support of grid columns drag-n-drop in text editor was added
  • Results viewer: filter dictionary reading was fixed (include NULL values)
  • Results editor: script generation was improved (column values are now correctly rendered)
  • Results editor: complex data type (structures, arrays) editor UI was fixed
  • SQL editor: autocomplete was fixed (word replacement)
  • SQL formatter: keyword case configuration UI was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: function permissions editor was added
  • PostgreSQL: active schema switching was fixed (search_path patching)
  • PostgreSQL: support of PG <= 8.4 (data types info reading)
  • PostgreSQL: table comments added in DDL
  • Oracle: synonyms reading was fixed (include broken synonyms)
  • Oracle: NUMBER data type scale/precision editor was added
  • Oracle: convert query line feeds for ORacle <= 10
  • SQL Server: procedures drop was added
  • SQL Server: table comments reading was added
  • Connection invalidate job was fixed (disable disconnect on first failure)
  • Connection editor was fixed (folder list)
  • Autocommit toolbar button state refresh was fixed (on editor switch)
  • CLI: connections duplications bug was fixed
  • Query manager colors configuration was added
  • Data transfer: extra output file name template variables were added
  • Global column filters support was added
  • ERD: fully qualified table names option was added
  • ERD: export in GraphML was fixed (column data type)
  • XLSX exporter was improved (configuration UI)
  • SSHJ extension was repackaged
  • Full text searcher UI was fixed (messages)
  • Mockdata wizard UI was improved
  • RPM package dependencies fix (Java 8)
  • Misc minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.0.2

  • SQL editor:
    • Empty script close behavior config was enhanced
    • Resources leak (thread + memory) was fixed
  • Results viewer: plaintext + record mode error was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Permission grants in table DDL
    • Constraints comments support was added
    • Foreign keys comments support was added
    • Sequences support (v10) was fixed
    • Sequences comments support was added
    • Functions permissions UI was added
    • Triggers DDL was added
    • Inherited tables DDL was fixed
    • Foreign servers DDL was added
    • Foreign wrappers DDL was added
    • Database rename support was added
  • Oracle:
    • DBA views resolve was fixed
    • Standard function names highlight was fixed
  • Exasol: table row count support was added
  • SQL Server: URL generation (explicit port value) was fixed
  • Greenplum driver configuration was added
  • Data export: XLS format (NULL cell values, column comments) was fixed
  • Minor UI bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.0.1


  • Data export: markdown (wiki, confluence) format support
  • Data export: extra configuration for CSV format
  • Data export: auto-size clumns in XLS
  • Mockdata generator: UI redesign, extra configuration
  • Connection selector dialog was redesigned
  • ERD: save to image was fixed (image bounds)
  • SQL generate: queries unwrap (configurable)
  • SSH tunnel: external SSHJ implementation (ed25519 support, bouncy castle)
  • Generic driver configuration was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: table DDL fix (include table comment)
  • MySQL: global server privileges edit fixed
  • Oracle: PL/SQL parser was fixed
  • Oracle: float data type support was fixed
  • ERD in SVG format support was fixed
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 5.0

DBeaver 5.0 has been released.

Brief changelist:

  • Mock data generator extension release. UI changes, lots of bugfixes.
  • PostgreSQL debugger (beta version)
  • PostgreSQL: constraints DDL was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: PostGIS support was fixed (array of geometry type)
  • Vertica: UDF support (read-only)
  • Vertica: flex tables support (read-only)
  • Oracle: include comments in view DDL
  • Auto-reconnect after connection failure feature was added (configurable)
  • Auto-refresh for sessions and transaction lock views was added
  • SQL editor: auto-complete for JOIN was fixed/improved
  • Metadata search was fixed (NPE)
  • Results viewer: grid background colour shows cells state
  • Results viewer: column header render was fixed
  • Excel export: support of column descriptions in header
  • Settings for the page switch saving on the connection page were fixed
  • Keyboard shortcuts for the SQL editor opening were fixed
  • Entity editor save/revert changes actions were fixed (refresh contents)
  • Decimal part rendering is now configurable for the numeric data type
  • Command line handling (-con) was fixed (drivers search)
  • Fixes for the driver editor dialog were implemented: NPE fixes, show driver ID
  • Edit connection dialog was fixed (dialog layout glitch)
  • Dialog for errors was fixed – now default button is Stop
  • Numerous localization fixes
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.3.5

  • Full UI localization (Chinese, Russian, German, French)
  • Mock data generator: additional generators and bug fixes
  • Changes for SQL Editor:
    • JOIN table/condition auto-complete
    • SQL Editor: UI for results/editor/panels switching was fixed
    • “open editor” and “switch panels” shortcuts were changed
    • warning on the “Execute in separate tabs” command for big scripts was added
    • “extract SQL from source code” command was fixed
  • Changes for Result viewer:
    • icon visibility options were added
    • rendering of floating point numbers was fixed (fraction digits are shown according to column scale)
    • JSON/XML panel editor was fixed (dirty mark on text selection)
  • Driver editor dialog was fixed (custom jars for Maven-enabled drivers)
  • Changes for MacOS X installer (pkg):
    • support of CE and EE versions on the same machine
    • allows to install DBeaver extensions
  • Changes for PostgreSQL:
    • Postgis support was added
    • HStore support was fixed (in string form)
    • UI for permission management was fixed
    • table DDL (costraints) was fixed (constraint name)
  • Changes for MySQL:
    • support of geometry (GIS) types was added
    • session manager view was improved
    • triggers DDL was fixed: trigger creation now omits database name
  • Changes for Impala:
    • driver configuration was fixed
    • SQL dialect/syntax highlighting was fixed
  • Many minor UI fixes (edited)
Posted in Releases

PGConf.Russia 2018

Hey guys!
We are going to PGConf. Russia 2018 from 5 to 7 February in Moscow.
We are planning to have a talk and tell you about our new features: debugger and locks manager and, of course, show it on the live demo.
See you on our presentation! And if you are there, please feel free to say “Hello”.
Posted in News

DBeaver 4.3.4

  • Mock data generator extension (beta version)
  • Import/export/script wizard allows multiple run
  • SQL formatter was fixed (comments and expressions)
  • Data export in SQL INSERT format was fixed (auto-increment columns)
  • SQL generator: JOIN support
  • Results viewer: “Fetch All” command was fixed
  • Content editor: value saving/activation was fixed
  • ERD editor: context menu was enhanced (populated with standard table commands)
  • SQL Server 2000 and earlier: schema reading was fixed
  • Sybase: procedure body reading was fixed
  • Sybase: database metadata reading was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: database switch support was added
  • PostgreSQL: identity column support was added
  • PostgreSQL: sequence management
  • PostgreSQL: default driver version was updated (42.2.0)
  • PostgreSQL: permission management was improved (sequences support) and fixed (role name escaping)
  • PostgreSQL: index comments were added to DDL
  • PostgreSQL: trigger name column was added
  • Oracle: view definition reading was fixed
  • MySQL: table filters were fixed
  • MySQL: database restore wizard was fixed (UTF encoding)
  • Firebird: stored procedure execution was fixed
  • Snowflake driver config was added
  • A few icons were fixed
  • Keyboard shortcuts were fixed (commit, rollback, results panels toggle)
  • Many minor UI fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 4.3.3

  • SQL editor: query extraction was fixed (trailing delimiter)
  • SQL editor: variables support was added (${varName}, configurable)
  • SQL editor: embedded mode was fixed (UI freeze on editor refresh)
  • Results viewer: column drop-down filter was added
  • Numeric cell value dialog editor was fixed
  • Ref cursor cell value dialog viewer was fixed
  • Main toolbar was fixed (now it is visible only in DBeaver perspective)
  • UI of checkbox inline editor was fixed
  • Environment variables substitution now works for all network configurations
  • External Eclipse extension installer was fixed
  • Git integration was implemented with Eclipse Git plugin
  • External plugin repository list was enhanced (Office, SVG, Git, Eclipse Oxygen)
  • Command line support was fixed (-con + connection properties)
  • CSV export: value quoting config was added
  • PostgreSQL: syntax highlighting was improved
  • MariaDB: default column value editor was fixed
  • SQL Server: schema list reading was fixed
  • SQL Server: procedures source reading was fixed
  • Oracle: view definition (truncated) reading was fixed
  • Sybase: error handling was fixed (for queries with multiple results)
  • Firebird: 3.x driver configuration was fixed (default encoding is UTF-8)
  • Windows installer was improved
  • “All Users” mode was removed
  • /S and /D options were fixed
  • Controls internationalization was improved
  • Chinese, Russian and French localizations were improved
  • Many minor UI fixes

Note: hotfix version was released right after 4.3.3. Hot fixes:

  • Fix of NSIS installer (install in Program Files with Admin privileges)
  • Fix of SQL processor for PostgreSQL dialect (NPE)
Posted in Releases