DBeaver 7.0.3

  • Data viewer:
    • Problem with unreachable last row/column was fixed
    • “Open With” action now uses configuration from last data export
    • Find/replace issues were fixed (scroll to found cell)
    • Bug in reference panel was fixed (multiple value selection)
    • Filter value auto-completion was fixed (popup close)
    • Virtual unique keys management was improved
  • SQL editor: multiline code templates apply was fixed (thanks to @VASilaev)
  • Number of bugs were fixed in the Simple navigator view
  • Transaction management was improved (redundant transaction commit confirmations were removed)
  • GIS viewer: many new (and cool) tiles were added (thanks to @mkgrgis)
  • Active catalog/schema selector UI was improved
  • Connection edit dialog was fixed (error during page switch)
  • Oracle:
    • Connection settings (SID/Service) save was fixed
    • Session terminate was fixed (for non-RAC databases)
  • Exasol:
    • Foreign key creation was fixed
    • View DDL extraction was fixed (auto-format was disabled)
  • HANA: unique key creation was fixed
  • Firebird: procedure metadata refresh was fixed
  • Problems with remote RDP connections (app crash) were fixed
  • Japanese localization was significantly improved (thanks to @ScratchBuild)
  • We have migrated to Eclipse platform 2020-03
  • Many other minor bug fixes and improvements
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.0.2

  • Database navigator:
    • Simplified database structure view was added
    • Navigator view settings and presets were added
  • Object editor:
    • Context menu was added to the object breadcrumbs
    • Object alter script now can be opened in SQL editor
  • Data editor:
    • Preference and data format changes now applying immediately (without data refresh)
    • Scrollbar position reset in columns reorder/filtering was fixed
    • Number of selected rows/columns/cells now shown in the status bar
    • Query filter history save/load was fixed
    • Floating point numbers (4-byte precision) rendering was fixed
  • SQL Editor: quick search tool was added (ctrl+alt+shift+f)
  • Driver copy was fixed (problem with read-only URL)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • PGPASS support was fixed
    • Database information (ctype, collate) reading was fixed
    • Problems with default database change were fixed
    • OID types rendering fix
    • Domain metadata reading was fixed (base type qualified name)
    • Extra options were added to database backup/restore wizards
  • Redshift: data type resolution was fixed (array types)
  • SQL Server:
    • Driver download and “reset to default” was fixed
    • Default schema detection was added
    • Problems with read-only query results were fixed
    • Column comments edit was fixed
  • MySQL:
    • Permission editor was fixed (schema privileges)
    • Index rename support was added
  • Exasol:
    • Security tree (Exasol 7) was fixed
    • Auto-completion for builtin functions was added
    • Foreign keys metadata was fixed
  • Oracle: “drop procedure” support was fixed
  • SAP HANA: driver download was fixed
  • Firebird: driver version was upgraded (4.0)
  • Many other minor bug fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.0.1

  • Data viewer:
    • Search/replace in selected rows support was added
    • Problem with Find/Replace and scrolling was fixed
    • Floating point numbers rendering/copying was fixed (precision fix)
  • SQL editor:
    • Connection initialization was fixed (active schema set)
    • Auto-completion for DROP/ALTER procedure/function was added
    • Auto-completion for asterisk (*) was fixed
    • Auto-completion for table aliases was disabled
    • Auto sync with database navigator was fixed (proper catalog/schema change)
  • ERD viewer: table resize support was added
  • Query manager: full query text view was fixed
  • Connections invalidate was fixed (redundant connections open) and invalidate performance was improved
  • Schema compare (simple):
    • Compare progress visualization was fixed
    • Stored procedures body compare was fixed
  • SSH tunnel: default user name (current OS user) is used when user name not set
  • PostgreSQL:
    • PGPASS authentication was added
    • Unique key indexes visibility was fixed
    • Schema permissions viewer/editor was added
    • Function/procedure create dialog was fixed
    • Options for tables/functions DDL viewer now saved
    • Enum values editor was added
    • Array values copy-paste was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Automatic driver download was added
    • View constraints create/drop support was added
  • DB2 LUW:
    • Automatic driver download was added
    • Table references read was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • Driver download (native artifacts) was fixed
    • Custom SQL query result editor was fixed
    • Schema selector (main toolbar) was fixed
  • SQLite: column rename support was added
  • Snap package was significantly improved (thanks to @galgalesh)
  • Many other minor bug fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.0

DBeaver 7.0 is our new major release.

Changes since 6.0:

  • Tasks management: data transfer, backup-restore, SQL execution
  • Data viewer and data editor UI major improvements:
    • GIS/geo-spatial viewer
    • JSON viewer
    • Logical columns, primary and foreign keys
    • References panel
    • Advanced row coloring
  • SQL editor major improvements:
    • Smart-commit mode
    • Enhanced SQL parser and auto-complete proposals
  • Git integration
  • SSH agents and jump servers support
  • And a lot of other great things


  • We increased number of supported drivers to 81
  • We closed almost 2000 issues on GitHub.

Thank you for your support!

Changes since 6.3.5:

  • SQL script execute task:
    • Support of multiple scripts was added
    • Support of multiple connections was added
    • Configuration wizard was completely redesigned
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-complete proposals were colorized
    • Auto-complete for table column possible values
    • Synonyms are now resolved as tables
  • Data viewer:
    • Filter panel auto-completion was fixed
    • Value viewer panel refresh was fixed
    • Boolean column transformation was added (view numeric columns as checkboxes)
  • Import from CSV: column mappings was fixed
  • Popup panels unexpected close was fixed
  • Invalidation of dead SSH tunnels was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Type cast for updates and filters is now used
    • Timestamp scale edit was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • Driver version upgrade (to 8.2)
    • Data import for IDENTITY columns was fixed
  • MySQL: permission editor supports schema masks
  • Oracle:
    • PL/SQL parser was fixed
    • Comment editor for views and functions was fixed
    • TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE support was improved
  • HANA:
    • GIS (geometry) data types support was improved (by @stefanuhrig)
    • Table column drop was fixed
  • OmniSci: driver version was updated.
  • Linux: UI freezes were fixed
  • A few minor UI improvements (icons, English localization, ERD colors, shortcuts)
  • A lot of minor bug fixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.5

  • Data viewer:
    • Read-only columns UI was improved (icon + explanation were added)
    • Filter text content assistant was significantly improved
    • Row count calculation control UI ws fixed
    • “Set default value” shortcut was changed
    • Ordering in record mode was fixed
    • Data change confirmation was fixed
    • Plaintext presentation rendering was fixed (extra spaces)
    • Numbers native representation mode (no client-side formatting) was added
  • SQL editor:
    • Export from query task was fixed
    • Output tab now remains active after query execute
    • Auto-commit toggle was fixed (rollback is performed on mode switch)
    • Connection initialization was fixed (“Not connected to a database” bug)
    • Column values assistance was added
    • Numbers color and font was fixed
  • ERD viewer:
    • Entity/schema diagram “reset” action was added
    • “Show views” option handle was fixed
  • Connections and drivers:
    • Variables support was improved (now all properties may contain variables)
    • Maven artifact version resolution was fixed (null version bug)
    • External drivers configuration support was added (see wiki)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Query cancellation was fixed
    • Hyperlinks and “Go to object” action were fixed (now they use current database instead of default one)
    • Schema privileges were added in DDL
    • Indexes read was fixed (redundant primary key constraint was removed)
    • Arrays of domain types support was fixed
    • Column copy-paste support was added
  • MySQL:
    • Identifiers redundant quotation was fixed
    • Column copy-paste support was added
  • Oracle:
    • Default schema detection was fixed
    • Double compilation of package was fixed
    • PL/SQL parser was improved (case .. when .. end)
  • DB2: alter column DDL was fixed (column modifiers were added)
  • SQL Server: metadata search was fixed (wrong object types bug)
  • AWS Athena: error position highlighting was added
  • Sybase: legacy versions (12 and earlier) support was improved
  • A lot of minor bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.4

  • Active database/schema selector behavior was significantly improved
  • Smart commit mode was enhanced:
    • Switching to auto-commit after the end of transaction
    • Smart commit for table editors
    • Transactions preference page was added
  • Data transfer:
    • CSV export parameters (quote mode) were added
    • Add/remove table to existing data transfer task was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • “Select all rows” query generation was fixed
    • Read data in console now uses correct default schema
    • Data viewer:
      • Show boolean values as checkboxes (configurable)
      • Row colors customization was fixed
    • Connection editor:
      • Multiple connection editor dialogs can be opened now
      • Extra variables were introduced, config UI was improved
    • Apache Phoenix:
      • Driver version was updated
      • Schema-less tables read was fixed
      • Index create support was added
      • SQL autocomplete was fixed
    • Exasol: metadata editor was significantly improved
    • Neo4j: complex data types (structs/arrays) support was fixed
    • Snowflake: index editor was fixed, view editor was fixed
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Backup for selected tables was fixed
      • Execute script on the selected database was fixed
    • Greenplum 6.x: table DDL was fixed
    • Oracle: PL/SQL parser was fixed (code blocks)
    • A lot of minor bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.3

  • Tasks:
    • SQL script execute task was added
    • Variables support was added
    • Grouping of tasks by project/type was added
    • Active database/schema now saved for custom SQL queries
    • Target table mapping was fixed for database-to-database data transfer
  • Data viewer:
    • Column filter UI was improved (multi-value select, value search)
    • Null XML columns support was fixed
    • Column value transformations and coloring was fixed
    • Context menu was improved (layout was change, missing commands were added)
    • Problem with missing toolbar actions was fixed
    • Hex editor coloring was improved, dark theme support was added
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-complete now respects active schema
    • Database output read was fixed (async mode)
    • Hyperlinks and object navigation were fixed
    • Aliases generation algorithm was improved
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Database restore task was fixed (target database)
    • SQL parser was fixed (BEGIN/END keywords)
  • Oracle: procedures/views source code editor was fixed
  • MySQL: database restore log level config was fixed
  • Netezza: views and procedures source extraction was fixed
  • Hive: view editor was fixed
  • Neo4j: arrays support was fixed, SQL parser was fixed
  • Metadata editor: current database detection was fixed
  • Tooltips for database navigator were improved
  • Variables in connection parameters now enabled by default
  • Connection type permissions save was fixed
  • Dark theme support was improved in the main toolbar and in different dialogs
  • SSH agents support was fixed (now we use ssh-agent on Linux)
  • SSH + private key + password: configuration dialog was fixed
  • A lot of minor bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.2

  • Database backup/restore/sql tools (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle) now can be saved as tasks
  • Smart auto-commit mode was introduced (enable transactions vefore data modifying query execute)
  • SQL editor:
    • Alias generation was improved
    • Output log flush eas fixed
    • Default database assign (for SQL script) was fixed
  • Data editor: advances paste now respects NULLs for dates and numbers
  • PostgreSQL:
    • $$ strings parser was fixed
    • Domain type arrays support was fixed
  • DB2 (iSeries, z/OS): new connection issue was fixed
  • Oracle: session manager now shows servr-side execution plans (thanks to @SergDzh)
  • MySQL: database backup/restore was fixed
  • Firebird: unique key DDL was fixed
  • Number of fixes and improvements in backup/restore tools
  • Workspace switch: last chosen workspace is now saved between app restarts
  • Dark theme support was improved (toolbars, dark colors customization)
  • Eclipse 4.6 support was fixed
  • Problem with missing toolbar buttons was fixed (Linux)
  • A lot of minor bugfixes
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.1

  • SQL editor:
    • Active database/schema change now affects current editor only
    • Server-side output now works with huge outputs
    • New command @unset was introduced
    • Table alias generation was fixed (conflicts with SQL keywords were fixed)
    • Query parameters dialog now doesn’t appear on scrolling/refresh
    • Code templates now saved in utf-8
  • Data editor:
    • Smart option “Use all columns” for virtual identifier
    • Inline cell editor now uses the same font as in grid
    • Decimal values formatting was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Selected rows/columns option support was fixed
    • CSV import was fixed
    • Export to single file was fixed (timestamp pattern)
    • Export from query now works with variables
  • Transaction log/query manager: dark theme support was fixed
  • Dashboards + timeseries + minute interval support was fixed
  • SSH with private key + password support was fixed
  • Extra locales (pt and ru) support was added in bundled JDK
  • SAP HANA: GIS/spatial data type viewer support was added (thanks to @stefanuhrig)
  • Presto: metadata reading was improved (dummy errors suppressed)
  • AWS Athena: URL template now respected in new connections
  • MySQL:
    • Database backup can be saved as task now
    • Events editor (DDL) was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Connection dialog was improved (new tab was added)
    • $$ and $tag$ parser was improved (new config options were added)
    • JSON and struct data types support was fixed
  • DB2: table truncate command was fixed
  • Oracle: new function DDL was fixed
  • Snap repository dbeaver-ce is now official. We will update it on every version release
  • A lot of minor bugs were fixed
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 6.3.0

  • SSH Agent support was added (pageant and ssh-agent)
  • Disconnect project/folder/all actions were reworked
  • Problem with connection properties save was fixed
  • Connection properties dialogs UI was improved (test connection, password save, pref page search)
  • Task management UI was improved (task create/save actions in data transfer wizard)
  • ER diagrams: dummy errors are now suppressed (now they present in log file only)
  • Legacy Eclipse plugins installation support was added (with hold update site format)
  • Dark theme support was significantly improved
  • Auto-commit mode behavior change:
    • Toolbar toggle now affects current connection only
    • Mode change affects active DBeaver session only
  • Data export:
    • Export from SQL script now supports commands (@set and others)
    • Saved settings loading was fixed
    • XLSX exporter now respects export configuration
  • Data editor:
    • Fetch size can be changed before query execute
    • Spatial viewer now supports different pluggable tiles (mapbox, osm, etc)
    • Wrong date/time format now treated as error
  • SQL Editor: editor layout now saved between DBeaver sessions
  • Object editor (tables, views, etc) now checks for object name duplicates
  • Oracle: now we use full type name presentation by default
  • PostgreSQL: support of extra type aliases and array data types was added
  • CockroachDB: native CDB data types were added
  • Impala: active schema change support was added
  • A lot of minor UI/DB-specific bug fixes
Posted in Releases