DBeaver 7.3.4

  • SQL editor:
    • “Open SQL console” action was added to the main toolbar and context menu
    • Support of very long sql scripts was improved
    • Parser hanging was fixed (partially) for queries with a lot of parenthesis
    • Auto-completion performance was improved
  • Data editor:
    • Drop-down inline editor was fixed (Linux)
    • Epoch time transformer now supports timezones
    • Copy As SQL: now uses correct SQL dialect
  • Metadata editor: support of pure unicode identifiers was added
  • Content assistant was fixed for drop-down selectors
  • Connection configuration import now supports target folders
  • GIS (spatial) data viewer:
    • MapBox tile configuration was fixed
    • 3D geometry objects now can be displayed on map
    • Geometry transformer for binary format (WKB) was added
  • Trino (ex-PrestoSQL) driver was added (thanks to @mosabua)
  • MariaDB: default driver version upgraded to 2.7.1
  • SQLite:
    • Spatial (gis) data viewer was added
    • Metadata refresh was fixed (wrong foreign key name)
  • PostgreSQL:
    • SQL formatting for custom data types was fixed (geometry and others)
    • Backup/restore now support non-standard authentication (e.g. IAM)
    • Redundant data types removed from navigator tree (arrays)
    • Nested multiline comments support was added
    • Database template list now contains all databases
  • Redshift: driver version was upgraded (bug with “session is read-only”)
  • Presto/Trino: GIS transformers support was added
  • Firebird:
    • SQL parser was fixed (code blocks)
    • Table/view type recognition was improved (for older FB versions)
  • Number of errors with wrong focus tracking fixed on MacOS
  • Clear message for Java version mismatch errors was added
  • Now DBeaver can be installed without bundled Java (Windows and Linux)
  • Problem with Eclipse Marketplace extension was fixed
  • Several minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.3.3

  • SQL Editor:
    • Server Output and Execution Log panels were redesigned
    • Server Output auto-show was added (configurable)
    • SQL formatting was fixed (IN clause)
  • Data editor:
    • Export in TXT (plaintext) format was improved (proper formatting added)
    • Documentation for date/time format patterns was added
    • Import from file: file selector wizard page was fixed
  • Connection editor:
    • Password field is disabled when it is not used
    • Driver selector page was redesigned
    • Driver properties editor was fixed (empty property values save)
  • MySQL:
    • GIS data types support was fixed
    • Table columns mapping was improved in data transfer
  • Oracle: dependencies information was enhanced (+dependents)
  • SAP HANA: connection editor waa enhanced (port numbers)
  • SQL Server:
    • Composite indexes metadata read was fixed
    • Database delete was improved (close other connections before delete)
    • MERGE queries support was improved (erroneous row count limit was removed)
  • Greenplum: partitions and child tables read was fixed
  • Informix: stored procedures DDL formatting was fixed
  • Spanish localization was significantly improved (thanks to @ adamantike)
  • Several minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.3.2

  • Data editor:
    • Default column values are now shown for new rows
    • LIKE filers now add % masks automatically
    • Tabs close confirmation dialog was fixed
    • Value filter drop-down was fixed (problem with column mismatch was fixed)
    • Boolean values view is now configurable
    • Result tabs drag-n-drop behavior was fixed
  • Metadata editor:
    • Boolean values view is now configurable
    • Virtual foreign keys editor was fixed
    • Incorrect column length (zero or negative) was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Data type mapping was improved (better type matching)
  • Password field layout was fixed
  • Tasks editor view: collapse/expand behavior was fixed
  • Opening SQL files from shell was fixed (MacOS)
  • SAP HANA: connection settings page redesigned (thanks to @kai-morich)
  • PostgreSQL: roles DDL view was added
  • Redshift:
    • Extra data types (non-PostgreSQL) support was added
    • Strings parser was fixed (escape with backslash)
  • SQL Server: stored procedures invocation was fixed
  • Clickhouse: ALTER TABLE scripts for new columns was fixed
  • Many minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.3.1

Well, 2020 is almost over (phew).

We’ve made a several major changes in the last version of the year:
  • Installers:
    • Windows installer packager was reworked
    • MacOS PKG installer was deprecated, DMG installer now includes JDK
    • Linux installers (DEB and RPM) now include JDK
    • All zip archives now include JDK
  • MacOS (BigSur):
    • Problem with lines disappear in SQL Editor was fixed
    • Problem with connection driver properties editor were fixed
    • Problem with data filter history dropdown was fixed
    • Native client selector was fixed (MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)
  • Data transfer:
    • Data import now supports INSERT OR REPLACE mode (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird)
    • Column mapping is now saved between different runs (no need to make the same assignments multiple times)
  • Data editor:
    • Resultsets ordering configuration was added (client/server side or smart mode)
    • Columns pin flag now saved across different data filters
  • SQL editor:
    • Tabs management was redesigned and improved (naming, pins, reordering)
    • SQL folding performance was significantly improved
    • SQL auto-completion was improved for procedures
    • Problem with unicode characters in script file names was fixed
    • Problem with parameters binding dialog was fixed (bad performance during parameter value change)
  • SQL generation: extra options were added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Permission grant queries were fixed
    • New schema + new table + new column create UI was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Session manager now supports Oracle 9
    • Dependencies information was added for tables, views and packages
  • Redshift: geometry/geography types support was added
  • SQL Server: user data type list was fixed (redundant types were removed)
  • Firebird: procedure parameters domain type names were fixed
  • Popup errors during theme change were fixed
  • New connection driver selector was improved (performance)
  • DBeaver was migrated to Eclipse platform 2020-12
  • DBeaver build system was migrated to Tycho 2.0
  • Many minor UI bugs were fixed
  • Note: if you experience any problems starting dbeaver after the version upgrade
  • please try to reset workspace
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.3

New major release:

  • A lot of improvements for MacOS:
    • Problem with toggle checkboxes was fixed
    • Problems with inline value editors were fixed
    • Problem with connection editor open on single click was fixed
    • Problem with metadata viewer in BigSur was fixed
  • SQL editor:
    • Complex SQL queries parser was improved
    • Query folding now respects active SQL dialect
    • Problem with focus loss after query execute was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Imports from CSV/XLS: date columns support was added
    • Export in SQL INSERT format: support of various INSERT/REPLACE/UPSERT dialects was added
    • Problem with active schema switch during task execute was fixed
    • Export from query: task UI configuration was fixed (active schema select)
  • ERD: table copy-paste was fixed
  • Project delete now requires confirmation of project files delete
  • Command line: connection credentials now can be passed along with connection name/id
  • SSH: private key format conversion was improved (Linux)
  • SQL INSERT query generator now skips auto-generated columns
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Table DDL was fixed (serial columns)
    • Role members/permissions viewer was fixed
    • Permission editor now supports sequences and materialized views
    • Bug with partition list read was fixed
  • SQLite: table column delete feature was added
  • Teradata: active schema selector was added
  • Firebird: problem with missing views was fixed. View source editor was fixed
  • Exasol: table index create UI was fixed
  • SQL Server: index create UI was improved (index type selector)
  • Hive: SQL dialect was improved (extra keywords)
  • MySQL/MariaDB: privileges editor UI was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • PL/SQL parser was significantly improved
    • View DDL read was fixed
    • Session manager now supports Oracle 9 and 8
  • BigQuery:
    • Problem with missing resultsets was fixed
    • Driver version was upgraded
  • HANA: triggers metadata reading was fixed (bug with wrong schema)
  • Many minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.2.5

  • SQL Editor:
    • Folding support was improved and enabled by default
    • Current/selected word highlighting support was improved
    • SQL formatting was fixed for DDL queries (like CREATE TABLE)
    • “Find in Google” command was added
    • SQL-related preference pages were redesigned
    • Parser of complex SQL blocks (e.g. PL/SQL) was significantly improved
    • Problem with missing query results for some DDL queries was fixed
  • Data editor:
    • ROWID columns support was fixed
    • Binary values copy-paste support was added
    • Column auto-completion in the filter panel was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Automatic columns mapping added for CSV without header column
    • Import from CSV/XLS: timezone parameter was added for date/time columns
    • Export from SQL query with custom variables: UIX was improved
  • Boolean value editor UI was changed (text instead of icons)
  • User authentication UI was fixed when “Save password” option is off
  • SSH: private key format transform was improved on Linux
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Arrays edit support was fixed
    • Inet and other custom data types edit was fixed
    • “Generate SQL” action for varchar arrays was fixed
    • Create/alter trigger functions were fixed
    • Partition create/drop/alter actions were added
  • Hive:
    • Indexes metadata read was added
    • Index create/drop functions were added
    • Column add/delete support was added
    • Table rename support was added
  • Oracle:
    • Extra metadata read performance options were added
    • Foreign key metadata read was fixed (ON DELETE rules)
    • View DDL was fixed (column comments)
  • Many other minor bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

Hosting migration

Due to a very high traffic we can’t keep DBeaver downloads on the single host anymore.
Since today (Nov 4 2020) all binaries are located in the CDN cloud (download.dbeaver.com).

For most users it will improve download performance.
However, if you experience any problems with DBeaver binaries download – please let us know.

Note: all old links are working. There is no need to change any configuration related to dbeaver download URLs.

Have fun!

Posted in News

DBeaver 7.2.4

  • Data transfer:
    • REPLACE/UPSERT support was added in SQL export format
    • Target format selector was fixed (Linux)
    • Bug in dump/restore credentials save was fixed
  • Data viewer:
    • Contrast color now used as foreground color
    • Bug with results fetch size disable was fixed
  • Preference pages structure was re-organized (get rid of Eclipse legacy)
  • Database navigator:
    • SQL editor context menu was enhanced
    • “Link wit editor” command was fixed for SQL scripts
    • Problem with empty/redundant tooltips was fixed
  • SQL editor: active query cancel on editor close
  • ER diagrams: table comments loader was fixed
  • Sample database now can be created from the main menu
  • Transaction deadlocks viewer was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Data type handler detection was fixed (uuid, name and other types)
    • Array editor was fixed (proper array item type discover).
  • Oracle:
    • Oracle 8 support was fixed (metadata read queries)
    • Ref cursors support was added
    • Multi-row INSERT support was added (for export in SQL format)
    • View and materialized view DDL was fixed (comments)
  • MySQL:
    • Dump/restore credentials override option was added
    • “Disable foreign key checks” option was added in database restore wizard
  • SQL Server: national charsets support was added for table/column comments
  • Informix: check constraints read was added
  • Hive: LIMIT clause support was added
  • Intersystems IRIS driver was added
  • Number of minor bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.2.3

  • Data transfer:
    • Data preview was fixed for custom SQL queries
    • Binary format mapping was fixed (BLOB->binary)
    • Target table name mapping was improved
    • Context data context menu item visibility was fixed
    • SQL format: extra options were added (including INSERT OR REPLACE support)
    • HTML format: additional export options were added
    • DbUnit format support was improved
  • SQL editor:
    • “Auto-save on edit” option was added
    • Procedures auto-completion was improved (use signature or parameter names depending on context)
    • Query cancel on editor close was fixed
    • Disable auto-formatting inside comments
  • Data viewer: minimum fetch size now limited by 100 rows
  • SSH configuration: bug with variables in connection parameters was fixed
  • Column reordering UI was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Serial data types support was improved
    • Trigger DDL was fixed
    • $$ rule parser was fixed
  • Informix:
    • Driver was updated to the latest version
    • Schemas/tables metadata extraction was fixed
    • Error in database switch in transactional mode was fixed
  • MySQL:
    • Zerofill flag support was added
    • NULL values of “text” type rendering was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Expired password change feature was fixed
    • Connectivity problem (“ONS configuration failed”) was fixed
  • SQLite: column drop feature was added
  • SQL Server: data read from clustered tables was fixed
  • Number of minor bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases

DBeaver 7.2.2

  • Database navigator:
    • View only connected data sources filter was added
    • Quick search in connections/schemas options were added
    • Multiple objects delete confirmation dialog was redesigned
    • Tooltips visibility configuration was added in preferences
  • Windows installer: shortcuts for “All Users” were fixed
  • SSH tunnels:
    • Support for OpenSSH key format was added
    • Problem with dobule password prompt was fixed
  • Data viewer:
    • Grouping panel now supports column reordering
    • Column modifier icons (key, read-only) were updated
    • JSON/XML viewer performance was significantly improved
  • SQL editor: toolbar buttons enablement was fixed
  • Data transfer:
    • Native client selector was fixed
    • Extra file name pattern variables were added
    • Native date/timestamp format support was added to the SQL INSERTS export
    • Extra formatting options were added to the SQL INSERTS format
  • MySQL: user credentials of mysqldump overwrite local configuration now
  • SQL Server:
    • SSL support was added
    • Database create/drop/rename features were added
  • PostgreSQL:
    • Interval data type DDL was improved
    • Table storage parameters were added to DDL
    • “Connect as role” option was added in the connection settings
    • Materialized view comment edit was fixed
    • Trigger comment editor was added
  • Oracle: extra NLS parameters were added on the connection settings page
  • Snowflake: active schema set command was fixed
  • Derby: unique indexes metadata read was implemented
  • SQLite: column autoincrement option support was added
  • Firebird: data types information read was fixed
  • Several other minor UI bugs were fixed
Posted in Releases