DBeaver Community

Open-source version

DBeaver PRO

Commercial versions
  • Basic support for relational databases:
    MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL and others
  • Data Editor
  • SQL Editor
  • Database schema editor
  • DDL
  • Basic ER Diagrams
  • Basic charts
  • Data export/import
  • Task management
  • Database maintenance tools

  • All DBeaver Community features
  • Advanced security
  • Advanced support for relational databases
  • Connection through ODBC drivers
  • NoSQL databases support:
    MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, CouchDB and others
  • Cloud databases support:
    Redshift, Google BigQuery, Oracle Cloud and others
  • Native support for AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure
  • Cloud storage support
  • Metadata management tools
  • Database performance visual tools
  • AI assistant in SQL
  • Multi-component task management
  • Task Scheduler
  • Visual Query Builder
  • Ongoing technical support

DBeaver 24.1.3

  • SQL Editor:
    • Added ability to disconnect from the datasourse when all associated editors were closed (configurable)
    • New autocompletion engine was significantly enhanced
    • Autocompletion for derived columns in sub-queries was improved
    • Autocomplete suggestions inside literals in INSERT INTO were disabled
    • Execution of the corrected SQL script was fixed
    • ‘Recent SQL script’ was renamed to the ‘Last edited SQL script’
    • Short/long object names completion configuration was redesigned
  • Metadata editor: Composite data types presentation was added for table columns
  • Data editor: JSON and XML panels performance was enhanced
  • Data transfer:
    • Compress option behavior was fixed
    • Wizard window auto-size was fixed
  • Task management: Broken exported file extension after the task editing was fixed
  • Dashboards: Project dashboard UX was improved
  • Connectivity:
    • Connections invalidation after sleep mode was added
    • Idle connections timeout was fixed
  • General:
    • Establishing connection visualization was added to Database Navigator and Projects
    • Tooltip delay on macOS was reduced and became configurable
    • Saving script outside the Script folder was fixed
    • SVG extension was moved to the PRO version
    • Authentication in embedded browser was temporarily disabled on Linux
  • Databases:
    • Altibase:
      • Added the ability to compile procedure, function, or package from the UI as well as truncate table and refresh materialized view (thanks to @zennken)
      • Added status of the view, materialized view, procedure, function, or package (thanks to @zennken)
      • Execution plan parsing error was fixed (thanks to @zennken)
    • Clickhouse:
      • DateTime32 formatting was fixed
      • IPV6 data presentation was added (thanks to @asifjoardar)
      • Complex structure display in the Data grid was fixed
    • CUBRID:
      • View creation was added to the UI (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Supported keywords for SQL Editor were reviewed and updated (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
      • Ability to edit Serial using UI was added (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • DuckDB: Data edit was fixed
    • Microsoft Azure driver was updated to version 12.7.0
    • Oracle: DDL generation for Oracle Tablespaces was added (thanks to @pandya09)
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Specific functions were supported in the SQL Editor (thanks to @EastLord)
      • Metadata read was fixed
    • Redshift:
      • Metadata reading for indexes was disabled
      • Problems with broken connection were resolved
    • SAP IQ: Duplicated output messages were fixed
    • Teradata: Database name became optional for connection
    • Vertica: Incorrect query execution with the cursor at the end was fixed
  • Localization: Italian localization was updated (thanks to @Gnafu)

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