DBeaver 25.0.1

  • SQL Editor:
    • Fixed a bug in single-tab mode where script execution displayed results from the previous execution
    • Fixed the sql formatting for procedure calls with multiple argument
    • Improved buttons layout in result set view on execution error
    • Auto-refresh is now stopped if the result is not visible or DBeaver window is collapsed
    • SQL autocompletion: Fixed the ability to expand columns for table_alias.*
    • Added the ability to use the “Short object names” code completion option for columns
    • Command parameters now always highlighted with black
  • AI assistant: Fixed an issue where a query without a semicolon before @ai was skipped without an error message. Query will be executed even if there is no semicolon
  • Metadata Editor:
    • Added the ability to view and edit comments in a popup window for improved user convenience
    • Fixed an issue where folder content in the Metadata Editor was not displayed immediately after opening an object
  • Data Editor: Removed options for copying column names and row numbers from the context menu for data cells
  • Diagram:
    • Updated the scrollbar color in the Diagram to match the expected design
  • Connectivity: Resolved the issue related to font rendering in the connection creation window
  • Security: Added the ability to enable TLS/SSL debug logging
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Breadcrumbs now update immediately when any included object is renamed
    • Popups for version update, Tip of the Day, and Sample Database are now displayed later if other modal windows are open, improving the user experience and reducing interruptions
    • Fixed the Open File dialog issue on Linux
  • Databases:
    • Azure SQL Server: The “CREATE VIEW” statement has been replaced with “CREATE OR ALTER VIEW” in the view DDL for Azure SQL Server v16 and higher
    • ClickHouse: Fixed issue with reading geometry data
    • CUBRID:
      • New column creation was fixed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Added the ability to create and modify synonyms (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • Databend: Fixed an issue with changing catalog names containing special characters (thanks to @rad-pat)
    • GBase 8s: Added the ability to edit table and column comments (thanks to @Wintianis)
    • Oceanbase: Diagram display was fixed
    • Oracle global variables such as SYSDATE and UID are now supported in query validation
    • PostgreSQL: Fixed an issue where selecting “Exclude auto-generated columns” excluded only identity columns but not other auto-generated columns (thanks to @f-m-t-t-m)
    • PostgreSQL:
      • Fixed an issue where the “Show partitions” option was hiding permissions in the DDL view (thanks to @f-m-t-t-m)
      • Added the ability to cancel queries in the Session manager (thanks to @mikiubo)
      • Fixed the display of the back slash symbol in comment blocks after refresh
    • SQLite: BLOB display was improved (thanks to @eusebe-cda)
    • SQL Server: Fixed table hints parsing
    • Yellowbrick: Added support for geospatial data
Posted in Releases