- SQL Editor:
- Added AS before table alias in FROM clause for all relevant databases
- New autocompletion: added support for USING and some improvements for JOIN condition
- Fixed indentation behavior when adding a new line
- Added support for ${time} variable in data source variables for script templates (thanks to @pajonas)
- Data Editor:
- Cell hints were redesigned. You can configure them on the Context menu
- Added support for the composite types for Grouping panel
- Items with the too long text in query history were truncated
- Navigator: Saving filter for database objects was fixed
- Data Transfer: Added the ability to use comma as a delimiter in the Advanced Copy option (thanks to @GFreitasW)
- Connectivity: Proxy configuration loading was fixed
- Miscellaneous:
- Proper names for catalog/schema are now used for different drivers
- Added word wrap for hints to controls
- Search in Preferences was improved
- Scrolling in the “Tip of the day” window was fixed
- Metadata configuration files were moved to the .metadata/config folder
- Localization of basic controls, settings, and menu items was fixed
- We migrated to Eclipse 2024-12
- Development: Building of IDEA project was fixed
- New Drivers: Databend database was added (thanks to @rad-pat)
- Databases:
- CUBRID: Added REUSE_OID, COLLATE, and COMMENT to the table DDL (thanks to @longhaseng52)
- Google BigQuery driver was updated to version 42_1.5.4.1008
- InterSystem IRIS driver was updated (thanks to @bdeboe)
- MySQL:
- Now users can change expired password
- Added a setting to not export routines (thanks to @pajonas)
- OpenEdge: query generation was fixed
- OrientDB driver was updated
- PostgreSQL:
- Added default privileges grantor to DDL
- Syntax error in DDL generated for the role settings was fixed
- Default privileges for new roles were fixed
- Salesforce Data Cloud driver was updated
- Snowflake: Added support for table aliases in autocompletion
- SQLite: creating new constraint from selection was fixed (thanks to @eusebe-cda)
- SQL Server: Primary Key ordering in DDL generation is now respected
DBeaver 24.3.1
Posted in Releases