DBeaver 24.1.4

  • SQL Editor:
    • Problem markers with semantic error descriptions were added. You can click on the problem description in the tooltip to find out what is wrong with the query.
    • INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP, CREATE, and ALTER statements execution in read-only mode was prohibited
    • Smart mode for Blank line state delimiter was improved
    • Simultaneous query execution was fixed: if a query is already being executed, you can execute another query in a new tab only
    • Composite type field color became visible in the Dark theme
    • Completion analyzer performance was enhanced
  • Data Editor:
    • Inline editing of geometry fields was fixed
    • New keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C has been added to use the advanced copy option with the latest settings, without opening a popup window
  • Metadata Editor: Generate SQL option in the context menu was fixed
  • Connectivity: Closing idle connections and default timeout were fixed
  • General:
    • Users can import connections from SQL Workbench and DbVizualizer
    • Wayland support on Linux was fixed
    • Several code improvements have been made (thanks to @KonstantinRight)
  • Databases:
    • GaussDB driver was added (thanks to @GaussDB-Fans)
    • Couchbase: Legacy Couchbase driver was removed
    • CUBRID:
      • Execution plan was enhanced (thanks to @rathana-pvs)
      • Issue with Null datatype was fixed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
      • Creating partition option was removed (thanks to @longhaseng52)
    • InterSystems IRIS driver was updated to version 2024.1 (thanks to @isc-rsingh)
    • PostgreSQL: If the database name is empty, it will be set to the same as the username
    • SAP Hana: Additional system table prefix was added (thanks to @kai-morich)
    • SQL Server: Ability to upgrade/install the driver was fixed
Posted in Releases