Yep, at last DBeaver is going to become an open source product. We belive free and open source is much better than just free.
It means that our SVN repositoy will be opened for checkout by anyone. For sure commits will be allowed only for commiters (team members).
Another still open question is license. At the moment I think it will be GPL. I believe it is a good license for end-user oriented GUI product, practically it won’t add any restrictions for users.
So.. We are looking for team members. If you want to participate in product development (anyhow) or want to become a commiter – please write me at
Actually there are a lot of questions to discuss about the product future.
We are going to open the sources in the begining of June, so there is one month to prepare to this event.
Thanks to everyone who uses DBeaver. And thanks a lot to guys who writes feedbacks and sends bugreports.